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New Feature in USPS Paypal.

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I just printed a label using the Paypal USPS and I noticed a new feature that was implemented the day they changed/Hiked the rates.

Its the dimension size section. So going to the USPS.com and doing a shipping quote isnt going to be accurate since they dont ask for dimensions.

I tried it both ways and the paypal calculated more in the shipping because the dimension and we are talking about the small USPS box.

Not only did the rates go up but now the dimensions can add up.

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Yes, I noticed my postmaster pulling out a tape measure to measure one of the boxes I was shipping. She told me about measuring for dimensions then.

I think they are getting too picky. The box she measured wasn't HUGE or odd-shaped, or anything like that, lol. Perhaps they want us to use only usps boxes.

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We got a notice on this, it's dimensions for everything! O.o

Even an envelope, such as a brown manilla type, if it doesn't fit the shipping dimensions it costs more. Where you could stuff 100 papers in one and have the same shipping before, if you over stuff and put in 105, they'll charge you extra!

USPS is really trying to squeeze it out from everywhere! It's now by weight, box type, dimensions AND a set postal fee before that's calculated!

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All the other companies (UPS, FedEx, DHL) ship by dimensions as well as weight, so to me, this didn't come as a shocker at all. As for them wanting us to use their boxes, I'm sure they do. Everything would be uniform, and packing a truck would be significantly easier. As someone who has moved way too many times, I've learned the importance of using uniform boxes whenever possible. It allows for much more space efficient packing of trucks. When this concept is carried over to mail delivery, space efficiency is also going to translate into cost efficiency.

My biggest complaint regarding their change is that they haven't changed getting a shipping estimate from their website. Everyone else has the options to put in the box dimensions (which they always should use when getting a quote since it can make a big difference in the cost to ship). USPS, if they're going to have varying rates depending on the dimensions, they need to have a way for us to estimate those charges accurately.

Honestly, with how difficult they sometimes make it for people to print postage online (such as not offering the services for parcel or first class, only priority and up), makes me think they actually want people to come stand forever in their lines. Doesn't make sense to me, but in case you can't tell ;), this has always been a pet peeve of mine. Basically, I don't really have a problem with them adding dimensional shipping, they just need to add a way for us to accurately get estimates for it.

And I'm done with my rant.... Mostly I'm just glad when I use them it's almost always the flat rate boxes, so it doesn't come up much as an issue.

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If they updated the USPS site and add the dimensions, then I wouldnt have a problem. for example on the classifieds, am I to collect a Paypal for the items and then have the person paypal me again for the shipping until they get the USPS updated? That will mean that for people who accept credit cards, theres going to be a double fee.

Maybe I should take the survey USPS.com is always bugging me about and add that to the comments...LOL


I just sent USPS an email and asked about this and hopefully I should get an answer within 1-2 business days.

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