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In need of quick help - please

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I am out of wick stickums and after doing a seach went and bought some household silicone to use while I wait for the stickums to arrive. It is the GE brand and clear. How does this stuff work?? Do I have to let it set overnight to adhere? It is not securing the wick base to the bottom of the jar and is actually kind of messy. Did I buy the wrong kind?

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myself i use a hot glue gun works just as good when you run out of wick stickums. that might help ya til they come in.

Sheesh - I don't have a hot glue gun. I am heading out today - I'll have to see about picking one up. Not sure about the silicone quite yet.

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I find the silicone definitely needs time to "cure". I can't use the ez wick setter with the silicone because my tabs just slide around. I have to use something to push the wick tab down to the container and then don't touch it. I try to wait a day before pouring too...even a few hours isn't enough for the silicone to fully dry. JMO

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Hours later . . . the silicone household glue and me did NOT get along. As Trish commented this stuff makes the wick tab slide too much before setting up. As stated before - patience is not my strong point. So . . I called my mom, low and behold she had THREE glue guns. She hooked me up and I have been good to go ever since.

Chalk this one up as a learning experience. In 7 years of candlemaking I have never ran out of stickum's . . .and I am really liking the glue gun :yay:

Thanks again everyone :highfive: !

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Careful with the glue gun...certain glues won't hold up to the heat of the melt pool and the wicks will start to slide afterwards.

I started having the same problem with the stickum's after I changed waxes, which is why I went with the silicone. Once cured, those tabs DON'T move!!

Have fun!

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