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Oven process cp help


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ALOT of questions

DO I have this correct? Oven process cp you make the soap just like you would cp but then you put it in your oven correct? For how long and what is the temp?

I have an unstained wooden mold with a cover-is this what you use? Any tips or advice anyone can give me?

I have made quite a few cphp batches and I like them but they are all looking the same. I really havent found anyway to mix it up kwim? Tried cp and like it much better however I am very impatient lol. I want to try oven process just so I can see out of all the methods which I like best.

Any help appreciated!

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That's it. Oven should be at 170, no higher. I've had a couple batches' FOs react too that much heat (between the oven and the soap's heat), and it made the tops look funky. I used this method alot when I first started.

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Bring the soap batter to trace as usual (I go medium to thick since it's just going into the oven anyway). Then pop it into the oven without adding your scent or colored swirl portion.

After it all goes translucent (gel), check for zap. If you still get it, cook a bit longer until it starts going opaque again. Remove from heat, stir in scent & colored swirl portion, plop into mold. Work quickly, because it thickens up fast once it starts cooling.

I never go above 170 degrees on my oven temp. Adding 1 TBL sugar into your water (stir to dissolve) before adding the lye will help the batter be smoother at molding time. (I actually forgot the sugar on my last couple batches and the surface texture is pretty rough. Ugh!)

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I do CPOP. I follow all directions for making cp. I add my fo/eo, swirl and pop into mold. I cover with saran wrap ( to help prevent ash), cover with my lid and pop in 170 oven for 1 hour. I then turn the oven off and open it a crack ( I use a dish towel or pot holder to keep the oven open only a crack). I then leave it in the oven over night or at least 4-5 hours. If I leave it in over night, it's ready to unmold in the morning. If it's just 4-5 hours, then I need to wait until the mold is completely cool. It does speed the process up and I have used some of the scraps right away, but there's nothing like a good cure. Most of my soaps are great at 3 weeks, but even better at 6+ weeks. So for me cpop doesn't speed up the curing time, it just cuts the time between putting the soap in the mold and unmolding it. It also assures a nice gel.

Ann M

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