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Can I get a 'do-over'??

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My latest salt bars. These are FABULOUS. Don't feel like salt bars at all, but look and feel like regular CP soap. Didn't change the recipe, so I can't figure what went so right here. Just popped em out of the mold and they are so nice. Can I get a do-over for the salt bar swap? :D BTW - The Scent Works - Forest Muse


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Thank you all. I suppose it's not the 'right' thing to do -but I'm actually purdy proud o myself right now, lol. I kept thinking something was gonna go wrong. But it didn't :whoohoo: . The FO behaved perfectly, never moved on me so I could take my sweet time pouring. The color did what it was supposed to as well. Which almost NEVER happens to me.

The mold is a big mama! It's a used Kelsei I got off Ebay. That pic it's holding about 10 pounds of soap. I did that intentionally as I wanted thinner bars - and color me shocked again - that actually worked out too.

The soap faeries are bound to arrive any moment... I have a 5 pound batch of Artic Raspberry snuggled in a mold right now. I was a bit off (ok, ok ALOT) off on how much I took out for coloring - but other than that it's acting right as well....I think I'm gonna lock myself in the house tonight & not drive....something, somewhere is bound to waiting for me in the shadows today cuz my soaping is never this....fulfilling!! LOL.

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Well! That sure is one purdy batch of soap ya got there!

Now!...there is NO need for a do over. I love my apple-y and orange-y flower salt bar! BUT, if you feel the need to share those loverly looking bars, I'll PM you my address!

Oh...and no worries about the fairies....every freakin' one of them is camped out at MY house right now! :angry2: FOUR batches! Trash bound! GRRRR.

We now return to your regularly scheduled soap drooling.....


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Oh NO!!! I'm sorry... I was actually cleaning up the salt bars tonight and wondering what bafoon move I would make to ruin them. When nothing happend I started thinking, ok - the faeries aint here, who's got em now.... Now I know. 4 batches, I'd be in tears.

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