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Another one of those......

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.....check out my site posts.

Ok, I have been working on this thing forever, well maybe not forever, but it sure seems that way. I need some critique` on how it looks, and some advice on what I may need to change.

I know some of you guys have had a site for a long time and know what works and what doesn't. So I need your input. And for those of you who either don't have a site or have a new site like me(and still trying to figure it out), you know what you like and what you don't like when viewing a site.

So, please guys, don't hold back. All opinions are welcome, just please be tactful and polite, no need to be nasty or critical, I wouldn't do it to you.



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It's a LOT of hard work, isn't it? *wipes sweat from brow* :)

Looks like you're getting a good start. I like that all the candles and tarts and such are together on the same page. Maybe you could group your candle jars a little tighter, zoom in a bit, and take the picture outdoors in natural lighting? I am the world's worst photographer, but these are tips I got from my cousin, who's a pro. (Now if I could only convince her to do all my site photography! :laugh2:)

Also, just my preference, but I like sites that go straight to the home page when you click on the link; I don't care for those "enter here" pages. JMO. ;)

Hang in there; it's hard work but hopefully it will pay off for you in the long run! :highfive:

P.S. Might get more feedback if you put a link to your site in your post. I had to go to your profile to find it. :)

P.P.S. Your siggy has always cracked me up! One of these days I may just have to "borrow" it. :whistle:

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What a lot of work, and how exciting for you :)

I agree with AJ, I prefer to go right to the site rather than have an "enter here" page, but that's just my preference.

On the home page, after you enter, there's no link for candles/tarts. There is a button if you click on other links (like after you click on warmers/burners) though, but on the very first page, there is no candles button.

Other than that, it looks fabulous :) Great job!


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I agree with everyone about the enter page, but overall, I think it is starting to take shape!

I also agree about the picture. I would also suggest getting them closer together, and use better lighting. Or, take individual pics, like what you did with the warmers. I have just recently added melts to my site, and to give you an idea of what I did, http://www.stabandstash.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=11_16&products_id=260 .

You may also want to consider a scent description page. Usually the general public wants to smell before they buy, so if they see what the scent description is, they are more likely to buy than with no idea at all.

Good luck!

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Thanks guys, those are all great suggestions. It's so easy to look at someone else's stuff and know what you would like to see or what you don't like about it, but when you are trying to critique your own stuff, man it gets hard.

I will post a link to my site below, DUH!! I think my brain is still fried from trying to get all of my buttons and links to work.

So far I need to do away with the intro page, add a candles n tarts button, add a scents description page, and have better photos of my candles, I think I got it. I have a cousin who takes really great professional like photos, I think I might see if I can work out a trade, candles for pics.LOL

AJ~feel free to use my siggy anytime, I'm sure that applies to more people than just me. I think it applies more now than before I started this web-page though. If I weren't so stingy, I would have paid somebody to do it for me and save me the headache, but NOOOOOOO, not smart enough to do that.

ms~I checked out your melts, very nice, your site just looks so clean and organized. I hate shopping a messy and cluttered site.

Thanks guys for your input, I will try to get started on those changes when I get everyone to bed tonight, that includes DH. He's almost as bad as the kids.


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I am a little confused...which is par for the course with me.

Does your double wicking actually reduce your burn time that much???

You are saying that your 5oz candle gets 30-35 hours and your 10oz candle gets 20-25 hours.

Typically I do not double wick. I have, but was playing around and didn't measure the burn rate. Is this correct?

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I am a little confused...which is par for the course with me.

Does your double wicking actually reduce your burn time that much???

You are saying that your 5oz candle gets 30-35 hours and your 10oz candle gets 20-25 hours.

Typically I do not double wick. I have, but was playing around and didn't measure the burn rate. Is this correct?

Yes, you have to condiser twice the wick, twice the heat.

Plus my 10 ounce jars are quite a bit larger in diameter than my 5 ounce jars, nearly 2 inches, so the double wicking with a larger wick is necessary to prevent tunneling and hang-ups on the side.

I have not been real happy with these jars, so I am thinking about discontinuing them. But alot of my customers like them for warmers, so I may just use them for wickless. I still haven't made up my mind yet.

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Ok, I have managed to make a few of the suggested changes, but more are still in the works. I have also been reading through some of the other check out my site posts and have found some helpful info from them also.

Thank you all for taking the time to help me. It is so hard to critique your own work. Still have lots more to do, finding time to do it is the hard part. I am going to get up with my cousin this week about taking some pics for me.

I have a pretty good camera, it's just the cameraman (or woman in my case) that's not so great. LOL There's definately no future career in photography for me.

Well, just wanted to say thanks again, let's go tweek some more.


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Coming in late... always fun.

Anyways its not really fair for me to come and start totally picking your site apart (which it doesnt really need), as I make them for a living. Well partly for a living.

I actually really like your initial candle picture.

I will the actual candle business pages and info up to those that are here that really understand that. I am very new to the whole candle making process, let alone selling them.

I have two main suggestions, that with out major HTML/Javascript experience you can do.

1. This has already been addressed but I think its worth noting again. Your default url should goto the main site, not the intro page. I agree with everyone so far in that I personally hate Intro pages, especially the long winded Flash animated ones. I noticed your Home button goes to that page, you could just make the home page part of your site with the navigation buttons and all. Very easy change actually.

2. Your navigation buttons, when the user clicks on one to navigate to that page, for example the Contact Us page, you hide that button from the list. I wouldnt do that. I know its a very minor issue but you would be surprised at what people comment about on sites, and not having a constant navigation scheme is among the highest of complaints.

I do have other suggestions that would require someone with some design and web programming skills to help you with. If you want to email I would love to help you with those, but your site works and that really is the most important thing.

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First and foremost, kudos for tackling zen cart right out of the gate. It is not an easy task.

I also customized zen cart for my own site and the tricky part is getting into your english file and playing with your spacing. Your css may or may not be playing a part but add a few <br/><br/> (line breaks) here and there and watch your page open up. You currently have a lot of text/graphics/nav options right on top of each other.

Also, under zen cart downloads there is a mod it took me a minute to find but it is awesome for adding your attributes. It is called something like advanced attribute controller but basically lets you take one name attribute and use your shift/ctrl key to add multiple values at once (vs. picking name, then one value, then enter then same name, next value, enter and so on and so forth).

Best to you!

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