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Does the creases bother you?


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Okay, so I made about four batches yesterday with an EO that accelerated trace so it was already setting when I scooped it into my log molds. So now they have folds on the side and I am thinking rebatching.

Only question - they had calendula petals on the top. Would my petals turn black when I rebatch and would the folds/ creases bother you as it does me?



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I am too perfectionistic and could not bear the sight of them so I rebatched them anyway (pic in the gallery) and now they look much better - kinda like a rustic soap, GWIM? And no, the calendula petals did not turn black (yet) - don't think they will either...

Hope this is useful to someone else!

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Thanks everyone for the comments. I don't sell yet either - but even to give away I won't tolerate creases and that's that. I have tried freezer paper over garbage bags and that seems to work better but my ultimate is still to order a mold for the USA, like a Misty Creek or a Kelsei or something...

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