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colorants and M&P soap


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I have a question for all of you melt and pour people! What do you normally use to color your soap? I had bought some oxides, but I had a really hard time getting it mixed up, and when I talked to someone at Brambleberry, they said that oxides are for cp and that micas are for m&p. Do most of you use the FD&C colorants? I would rather not...I can't seem to find micas that are not glittery. Are all micas glittery? I have read some info on colorants, I just can't seem to figure it out still! HELP!!


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I used the dyes from Michaels. They worked fine for me (wasn't trying to accomplish much) I also bought the dye chips from BCN, they would NOT dissolve. I would keep heating the soap and it would never melt. :::shrugs::

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i use liquid colorants for my mp soap. they blend quickly into the soap and i can control the color i am getting.

is there something you do not like about the liquid colorants?


I don't like the FD&C colorants. I would love a liquid, but I would like to avoid that. Any ideas on where to find a liquid without the FD&C?

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I'm into the organic lifestyle, organic food, no sls, chemicals, etc. FD&C colorants just fall under my no-no list. :) I can't give you the exact reason for it, I just have read enough that I try and do the most natural options possible, then go synthetic if I have to.

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This may be a moot point, since you did say...'as natural as you can be'.... which would insinuate that you know mica's aren't entirely natural. But just for the record I thought i'd add that they are in fact not. They are a natural mineral (I beleive) that are processed in a way that allows them to be coated on two sides with FD&C colorants.

I'm not saying there are no such things as completely natural mica's... just that every mica description I have read included FD&C colorants. Sorry, lol.

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