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How many times have you changed wax type?

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I have gone through 3 different waxes in 6 months. I am seriously contemplating trying some Golden Brand wax. I just want the best throw I can find and some things I have tried just don't throw well in my KY 125 regardless of the supplier I got the oil from.

Do you use more than 1 type of wax depending on the FO you are using?


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I am curious about this too. I have used only ecosoya 100% pure and after 150 lbs I was considering either c3 by cargill or container blend 135 by ecosoya. Also there is a post under general candle making that has me considering paraffin wax. I guess also there are parasoy blends. All in all I am still having a blast.


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I have used C3 and liked it. It was the first wax I actually used. After alot of reading and research I thought the KY 125 would give me better results. I get good results with the KY 125 on most bakery and flower scents but my fruity scents aren't doing so good (except for honeydew melon).

I have some parasoy for tarts. I would use it in my containers but I am concerned it would pull away from the jar too much or at least thats my thought process right now lol I need to do more research on the "benefits" of paraffin in my container candles. i.e. will it help my throw, what kind of soot will it produce at what % of paraffin etc.

I am loving and hating this whole process :laugh2: I love it when a certain mix works and hate it when I test and waste supplies for nothing.

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Im right there with ya. I ordered sample packs this year from Moon Glow Soy and JBN. A lot of them were not very good. Last year when I started I only used CS fo's and I got lucky because Vicky has every scent listed that I tried on the soy fo list. I had good results, but being a beginner I was, well you know, going crazy learning to wick. So for this year having scents that either weren't worth it or I do something wrong. I read the list you had decided on for FOH and now I cant find the post, and I read your I C S scent review. I am going to try some more fo's I guess that might be funner than trying a different wax right now.


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I think it depends on what your plans for the future are. IMHO if you are building a business around this, shipping is of major concern. I continued testing waxes that were available in my area so I wouldn't have to pay for shipping....so you keep changing until you find the one that works best for you considering everything...including costs. Another factor is time. You could possibly spend the rest of your life chasing after the perfect wax or the perfect blend by blending your own. At some point you have to decide/choose and go with it....and try not to look back. Continue to test everything new and improved..and as you learn and grow, make the changes you can.

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When I first started out with candles I made gel candles. That was over 8 years ago. I've dabbled with paraffin when combining them with gel to make bakery type candles. I then started making palm wax container candles and soy candles a couple of years after that. After a year of doing all four I decided to only do the soy.

As for the soy, I started off with EL 100% pure soy then went to the Millennium when it came out. I've now just switched to the GB444 and to be honest with you I'm really loving it. In my opinion it really is a lot better than the EL brand which I have been using for the past 5 years (plus a lot cheaper, too). :yay:

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Hi..I too am getting ready to try different waxes. I have used the Joy Wax for years, but the trouble I have had with the last 2 cases, I am done with it. Tunneling, etc. I guess they changed their formula. Thanks for the info on different waxes. Ruby

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It seems as though gb 444 and 415 have some good advantages. My post has to be quick I think my family is going to do a "Im on the candle supply sites" too much intervention. I will sneak a peak over the weekend. Have a good one everybody.


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I use Simply Soy a 100% soy wax and have since I started making candles. I can get this from a place about 2 hours away but right down the street from my Sis. So when she is coming up to visit I order wax and have her bring it. I save about $25 in shipping on a 50# bag. I have had good luck with this wax, only a few FO's that didn't throw well so I just don't use those Fo's.

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I started out with a parifin blend in the seventies. Then about ten years ago started trying soy, but couldn't get the look and throw that I wanted. Then joy wax came out and I loved it but they changed their formula. I need consistency. Now I use KY perfect blend, I'm sticking with it unless they change it because I'm just pray I won't have to go through testing another wax. I'm not fond of changing wax.

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I can't tell you how many times I've blended, re-blended, and re-tooled my wax blends AND my soap recipes! :o ACK! :embarasse It's embarrassing! It's as if I'm on some never-ending quest for something. Not sure WHAT exactly. LOL

To answer your question, I'm sure I've lost count. :laugh2:

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Now I use KY perfect blend, I'm sticking with it unless they change it because I'm just pray I won't have to go through testing another wax. I'm not fond of changing wax.

Actually they are changing the perfect blend BUT Vickey says its a better blend. Vickey's quote: "So you will be getting your same burning benefits as with the perfect blend,...only it will be a little softer and won't crack, more like a true one pour."

I tried the perfect blend in my containers and it didn't do so well lol. I will definitely try the new blend when it comes out in a couple weeks. I am almost out of my KY 125 and trying to decide if I want to really continue with this wax or find something else to give me a better throw on most of my oils.

Decisions Decisions :undecided

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