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8 oz clear view tins supplier ?

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I am looking to add the 8 oz tins to my line.. Can any users suggest or comment on different qualities of the tins.. I need to add these pretty fast and cant order from several places to see the differences.. I was thinking of using sksbottle.. Anyone tried those 8 oz rounds, likes or dislikes... Comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated..

Thanks a million!


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I got them from SKS and love them, (got the 8 oz square & round and 4 oz square).

I use the round for wickless and they heat up nice and quick, and I love the clear tops cause you can actually see what's in it as opposed to the regular tops.

Not a lot of help, but my 2 cents. (sorry)


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Thanks, thats one way I was looking at them for was wickless. I also wanted to do a line wicked, so I wasnt sure maybe of doing them all wicked and letting the customer pull it out if they want wickless, lol..

I appreciate the input!!


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Thanks, thats one way I was looking at them for was wickless. I also wanted to do a line wicked, so I wasnt sure maybe of doing them all wicked and letting the customer pull it out if they want wickless, lol..

I appreciate the input!!


How would a customer 'pull out' the wick if it's secured as it should be? IMO unsecured wicks are OK for testing, but to sell is another ball of wax :D

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