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Snowflake Oil, whats it do?

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It's mineral oil.

You can swallow a spoonful if you're constipated.

You can also add about 1/2 oz per pound to straight paraffin or mottling pillar wax to get the mottled or snow-spotted effect. Use no other additives, except for stearic acid if you wish.

You can also use 1/2 oz per pound fragrance oil instead of the mineral oil, but don't swallow that.

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thanks for that. Is that 1/2 FLUID oz? I'm using a pipette which is in ml

I have a nice rust colour to try' date=' might use it on that, maybe with a gingerbread FO[/quote']

That would be 1/2 oz by weight.

Mineral oil is only used to make unscented mottled pillars. Skip it if you're using fragrance oil.

The mottling effect is stimulated by liquid in the candle and either one will do. Both together would overload the wax.

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Fragrance oil will make a mottled pillar too. You can use mineral oil or fragrance oil to mottle the wax but generally not both.

Sorry to repeat, just want to make sure it's clear.

Another important point is that you have to be using plain paraffin wax, not a pre-blended wax. Not all paraffins will mottle, but most will in some way or other.

The best way to measure all candle ingredients is to weigh them on a scale. If that poses a problem, go ahead and measure the oil by volume -- try 1/2 fluid oz. That will result in a different and less consistent amount, but for hobby purposes it's ok.

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It's mineral oil.

You can swallow a spoonful if you're constipated.

You can also add about 1/2 oz per pound to straight paraffin or mottling pillar wax to get the mottled or snow-spotted effect. Use no other additives, except for stearic acid if you wish.

You can also use 1/2 oz per pound fragrance oil instead of the mineral oil, but don't swallow that.

;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) Donita Louise

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Fragrance oil will make a mottled pillar too. You can use mineral oil or fragrance oil to mottle the wax but generally not both.

Sorry to repeat, just want to make sure it's clear.

Another important point is that you have to be using plain paraffin wax, not a pre-blended wax. Not all paraffins will mottle, but most will in some way or other.

The best way to measure all candle ingredients is to weigh them on a scale. If that poses a problem, go ahead and measure the oil by volume -- try 1/2 fluid oz. That will result in a different and less consistent amount, but for hobby purposes it's ok.

thanks for that :) It is plain paraffin, all I've got at the moment.

I have scales but they are kitchen scales and they are pants!! I need some digital ones, but any money I'm getting at the mo goes on candle stuff :D

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lol' date=' I got it off ebay :)

I've used it as indicated and nothing happened. Theres tiny little pin prick holes all over but no mottling, don't know what I did wrong.[/quote']

You can melt it down and try pouring again at 180-185 F and put a small box over it until it's completely cool. You could also try adding a little more mineral oil.

Some paraffins won't mottle. If the wax company had a certain candlemaking industry in mind, they could have even made a paraffin blend designed to resist snow-spotting.

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Where can I buy this snowflake oil? Is it cheaper than ex-lax? LMAO

You can get it at any drugstore and it's a fraction of the price of Ex-Lax, but it does have one small disadvantage. If it accidentally goes down the wrong pipe it will put you in the hospital.

With a bit of fragrance, it's also known as baby oil.

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I'll remelt tomorrow. You mentioned putting a box over it to cool faster' date=' Should I put the mould in the fridge first or something? Its an aluminium one[/quote']

No the box is to cool slower. A lot of paraffins will get snow spots from slow cooling, even without any oil added.

Honestly, you shouldn't have to bend over backwards looking for just the right pouring temp and cooling rate. If the wax is prone to mottle, you should see at least a hint of it from just normal, average pouring and cooling technique.

Some waxes are just not gonna do it even if you beg and plead.

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Alex....you must not have anything going on in your life....except this thread......:wink2: Just tell people to use plain wax and pour at 180 and leave it alone....I can't type because I am cracking up. Bet some one does an Exlax candle just to see what it does. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I wonder how many Exlax tablets it would take to make a candle mottle.....and what FO would your use....maybe a coffee scent would be good. Do you know where I can buy Exlax in bulk? (smile) Donita Louise

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rofl, well that just shows ya. I've made another candle over last couple of days, the one where you tilt it as it sets, then diff colour and tilt diff way (can't remember technical term for it). THis has come out mottled with no help. Didn't want it too, but looks unusual.

Its the first time this wax has mottled at all.

I'll have a play later, but got 2 more strawberry tarts to finish first :D

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That's what this is all about......experimenting.....and sometimes you discover something really cool. If you don't like to experiment and do tedious things, then candlemaking isn't for you. I'll bet your "rustic layers/mottles" came out great. Can you post a picture? Donita Louise

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Hi Donita

gonna post a piccie later. Got a candle half made, now need to get these little muppets to bed :D

real life intervenes at the most imopportune moments lol

Mind you, I've spent a lot of the day clearing out and sorting cupboards. I now have my very own candle cupboard in the kitchen. It's only half size, but its mine....all mine

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