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Just Poured My First Candles!!!

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Hello...I am so excited, just wanted to let yall know I poured my first candles. Still got to repour and then test, but so far they smell good (apple pie) and are a pretty soft pink color even tho I was going for red...lol. I used tea cups and one small glass container. The glass was so I could see how it looks. It was fun and I see what you mean by the addiction. I took step by step pictures because it was my first time. I will also take pictures of the finished work and try to get them in the photo gallery. I can also see why yall say...test and practice. I will stay in touch. It is exciting!!!!

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Thank you tlc and Luci. Just reporting back to say I did my repour and I truly understand the word PRACTICE!!! :cry2: It"s gonna take alot of it. I plan to test on Friday. I am not sure when I will be able to post the pics but I will say compared to the beautiful candles I have seen on here that mine are just plain. With PRACTICE one day I hope to create beautiful candles to help light up the world! :D Will keep in touch.

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Thank you tlc and Luci. Just reporting back to say I did my repour and I truly understand the word PRACTICE!!! :cry2: It"s gonna take alot of it. I plan to test on Friday. I am not sure when I will be able to post the pics but I will say compared to the beautiful candles I have seen on here that mine are just plain. With PRACTICE one day I hope to create beautiful candles to help light up the world! :D Will keep in touch.

There is nothing wrong with plain :D Congrats on your first step in your new addiction. It does take time and patience, but practice makes perfect and you will get it down. Just take notes on your steps, on what works and what doesnt, and in no time you will be lighting up the world right along with the rest of the addicts, myself included ;)

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Thank you tlc and Luci. Just reporting back to say I did my repour and I truly understand the word PRACTICE!!! :cry2: It"s gonna take alot of it. I plan to test on Friday. I am not sure when I will be able to post the pics but I will say compared to the beautiful candles I have seen on here that mine are just plain. With PRACTICE one day I hope to create beautiful candles to help light up the world! :D Will keep in touch.

Don't feel bad, my first candles hurt my eyes when I looked at them. You will get better! Just read and ask questions. There are lot's of very helpful peeps on this board and there is lot's of good threads (maybe more that you have time to read) if you do a search. You go girl! :highfive:

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