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lye fear


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so I really want to try & make soap however my fear is lye, I know I need it but what to do when you have little ones? I guess I have read all the fears, scares and unfortunate accidents so now I am terrified BUT really want to make some. How do you with younger children do it? My kids are not babies but I still worry since I read some awful things.

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I kind of look at it the same way as using hot oil. No kids in the room! I personally try to soap when the little ones are asleep and the big ones are outside. The other day, I did something stupid and managed to splash a drop of lye water on my arm. It felt and burned me just like spattering bacon grease, so that's why I equate it with hot oil. :o

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What you do is wait til after the kids go to bed and lock the kittens in another room. Yes, lye is dangerous and you have to be careful but it really isn't that big of a monster. I don't have kids to worry about but I have 2 cats and 3 dogs in the house. I just make sure they are out of the room I am working in.

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I have three children, 9,7 and 5. Plus our dog.

I normally soap when the kids are in bed but sometimes I have a lot to do and will start earlier. I have told the kids how dangerous lye is... I even showed them the picture on the internet of the poor little boy that dumped a lye bucket over his head... I know that it is my responsibility to keep it up and them safe but kids will be kids sometimes and I wanted them to know how serious it is.

They are not allowed in the kitchen when I am soaping, period. They know the rule.

There are household cleaners that you use that are as dangerous as lye.. like Iron Out and some shower cleaners that burn on contact.

Just be aware that it is a powerful substance and follow the precautions and you will be fine.

Don't fear it just respect it.



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I agree with don't fear it respect it. Make sure you do teach the children the dangers. Do your soaping at night when they are asleep or when they are in school. When mine were younger I did not soap but for my sanity I had a friend with kids and we would trade off babysitting to do our own thing maybe you have some one to trade babysitting with.

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I kind of look at it the same way as using hot oil.
I see it the same way too. There are a lot of dangerous things in a house they could touch, such as a hot iron, or put their hand into the oven when it's on, or put something made of metal into the electrical outlet. If you are going to be using lye, it would be just one more training like how you managed to have them avoid doing any of the above.
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Hi SpaTreats4U,

I know how you feel, I have been putting off trying something I really wanted to because of the lye fear. I finally did it early this morning and it was'nt as bad as I expected. I did mix the lye water outside using goggles, gloves and a respirator mask (dont think the mask was necessary unless its windy). The reaction wasnt anything near what was in my imagination. Just conquer that initial fear.

Order your supplies! Once you have everything you need then its just a matter of timing, no kids underfoot and no distractions. My little one is grown but I have a large dog that likes to be where I'm at, mixing outside eased that fear. I ordered a kit (more expensive) but everything was premeasured and came with everything I needed, including a video which I watched a few times. Now that I got over the first time jitters I'm excited to try some recipes. I have even been playing with the soap calc. What fun, even though my first batch turned out pretty ugly, it smells good and I'm proud of it just the same.

I'm rooting for you, go ahead and order some supplies and best of luck!


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Everyone has given you great advice!:grin2:

I have 3 kids 9,7 and 3 plus 2 cats. I was afraid at first also but have learned if proper safety precautions are taken, it is possible to soap with kids around.

As others said I do try to soap after bed time. But at times when they are up, I make sure everyone is aware that I will be using lye and the kitchen will be off limit until I am done. One thing I do, is always measure and pour my lye in my sink. I feel that I have less of a chance of an accident that way. if i drop it or knock it over, only my scale will be in danger! :D I won't be terrified of lye being all over my kitchen floor or counters.

Give it a try! Be careful and have fun!!!

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I'm sure you have lots of potentially dangerous stuff in your home like cleaners and pesticides. Lye is no different. Keep it away from prying eyes and you have no problem. Just remember to take the proper precautions for YOURSELF when using it. Lye burns can be nasty.

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Hi there! I have a 2 year old and a 3 year old and if I do not have someone to watch the babies while I can make a batch of soap--I don't make soap, plain and simple! It's not worth it to me to risk them getting hurt, and they are very inquisitive by nature! Even when I have someone such as my oldest daughter or my husband watch them.....I still mix up the lye water outside. I swear, my neighbors must think we are up to something! Between me slamming my pillar wax slabs outside on the concrete to bust them up--to me going outside with goggles, gloves, scale and pitcher.....oh yeah, they must think we are one weird bunch!!!! :grin2: Oh, I keep a full bottle of vinegar on my counter at all times, in case of a splash too. I also keep my molds out of little ones' reach and I keep my curing bars up as well. I try to think like a little person so that I can keep mine safe, KWIM? I'm itching to try liquid soap but I hear that it is a loooong drawn out process so I'll just have to wait until the grandparents have the babies for a day! It's killing me to wait, but I want to make sure my littlest folks are safe! I hope this helps you some! :)

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What the others said!!! I have a 2 year old, a 4 year old and a 6 1/2 year old. The two year old likes to help me cook and I make my soap where I usually cook at, so I try to do it when he is sleeping in the afternoon, or someone is here to watch the kids.

Just take a day, if you can, and leave the kids with a sitter and then make the soap. If you can concentrate on your first batch, you will be so much more at ease!

Good luck,


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