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Rosemary Mint w/ lavender


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This is AH/RE's Rosemary Mint. It was a bit strong on the mint, so I added a bit of lavender to try and tone it down but it didn't work.


I had some leftover, so I swirled it in the pot, and poured into a pringles can (hence the round bars):


For once I really like the way my swirls came out on this one-they actually look kind of swirled in the middle.

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I bet your soap smells just divine. Looks good too.

Is the scent still holding? I've had problems with some RM holding. Also how did it do soaping? It looks lilke you had some time to play since you were able to get some great colors in there. Mine have always accelerated real bad on me.

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That is beautiful. I love that fo. Is it minty like Serendipities?

I've never tried Serendipities FO, but this was really strong on the mint, that's why I added some lavender to it, now all I smell is minty lavender, I don't detect any rosemary at all. Although I may notice it, if I compared it with just a mint and lavender FO ya know? ;)

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I bet your soap smells just divine. Looks good too.

Is the scent still holding? I've had problems with some RM holding. Also how did it do soaping? It looks lilke you had some time to play since you were able to get some great colors in there. Mine have always accelerated real bad on me.

I'm getting used to the scent, it's different. ;)

So far the scent is still holding but it's only been 4 days.

No problems whatsoever in soaping this, no acceleration at all, I had tons of time to play around with it. Of course I tried a new recipe also, which seems to be a lot softer than my regular recipe, so that may factor into it also.

I swear soaping is like a crap shoot, you just never know what's gonna happen. LOL

This was my first time using the green oxide, I think I used a bit too much, but haven't tested it yet, so don't know if the bubbles are going to be green or not. ;)

Thanks for the compliments! :)

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