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Candle warmers for container candles


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What wax are you using? Did you check as to how much FO to use for that particular wax? Is it a parrafin wax? Most parrafin container waxes can hold up to 1 oz per lb. If you use more than the wax will allow you will get FO seeping out of the wax.

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I am using 10 oz frosted jars. I have been using the " 1 oz. per pound" . I will starting tomorrow try 1.5 oz per pound of wax. Can anyone suggest companies that they have had success for buying high quality FO from? For example, I am having trouble finding the "Bird of Paradise" smell similar to Circle E candles. The FO I bought that was labeled "Bird of Paradise" smells like something from a funeral parlor which is horrible. The closest I have come (which is putting it mildly) is Coral Delight. What temperature do you add your FO? I am using a Pesto Pot using the "Warm " setting. I also sit there (like a paranoid nut) stirring for 2 minutes to get the FO to bind with the wax. I am using the Honeywell J223 which the supplier posts that there is no need to add any additives to it. Can anyone given me a guide as to what is the best container wax to use?

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I am using 10 oz frosted jars. I have been using the " 1 oz. per pound" . I will starting tomorrow try 1.5 oz per pound of wax. Can anyone suggest companies that they have had success for buying high quality FO from? For example, I am having trouble finding the "Bird of Paradise" smell similar to Circle E candles. The FO I bought that was labeled "Bird of Paradise" smells like something from a funeral parlor which is horrible. The closest I have come (which is putting it mildly) is Coral Delight. What temperature do you add your FO? I am using a Pesto Pot using the "Warm " setting. I also sit there (like a paranoid nut) stirring for 2 minutes to get the FO to bind with the wax. I am using the Honeywell J223 which the supplier posts that there is no need to add any additives to it. Can anyone given me a guide as to what is the best container wax to use?

For strong scents wick your wax at Bittercreek North, Kywaxsupply, they are alot of quality FOs out there, try the search feature here and it will bring up alot of info for you, also here is a link that will help you find the FO you look for but is hard to find--


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Use the 10 and 16 oz. KEEPSAKE jars with soy wax at an average of 8% FO. Can anyone give me a ballpark "average" of how many hours the FO should last on a candle warmer?


Ron, there are so many variables as to how long the scent will last. Some scents just simply 'hang in there' longer than others. It also depends on the warmer you are using. Higher watt candle warmers get the wax hotter, therefore puts out stronger scent, but also burns the scent off quicker.

The candlemaker's life would be so much simpler if every candle warmer on the market had to be the same wattage. As it is, you never know what kind of warmer your customer will be using, unless they buy yours, or unless you ask them (then they usually don't know the wattage). Another variable is the fact that every nose is different. Some people have better noses (more sensitive) than others, so can smell longer (all noses or candles are not created equal). Because of this, you will never be able to tell the customer exactly how long the scent will last for them in wickless or tarts (and many of them do ask this question). You can only tell them how long it lasts for you on your warmer after testing each one out. This is quite time consuming, with wickless and tarts, but well worth the time, if you want to sound knowledgeable and be upfront with your customers.

You will, of course, need a higher watt warmer, 17 to 24 watts, for wickless candles, so it will melt the entire candle. The higher the wattage, the quicker it will melt.

Wish I could give you a more precise answer to your question.

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  • 3 years later...

I just purchased a flat candle jar warmer (candlehearth) at Walmart to test some of my 4 oz wickless jars. It melted the C-3 soy wax completely and had a good scent throw. Then my husband was reading the packaging the warmer cam with is it said "Do Not Use with Vegetable-based candles"

Does anyone know why that would be or where I can purchase one that is soy safe?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Can anyone tell me how much FO to add for a wick-less container candle that will be used on a candle warmer? Also, is there any special warning labels?

Candle warmers are the best thing to have as an alternate to candles. The best thing about it is that it does not produce smoke or flames, it is good for the environment too. The wax when heated releases very good fragrance. Fill the wax according to the size of your container. I think that there is nothing called special warning labels.

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For example, I am having trouble finding the "Bird of Paradise" smell similar to Circle E candles. The FO I bought that was labeled "Bird of Paradise" smells like something from a funeral parlor which is horrible. The closest I have come (which is putting it mildly) is Coral Delight.

In the beginning I would blend my own bird of paradise to get as close to the circle e scent but now I label just my plain pomegranate from Nature's Garden as my Bird of Paradise because for me the scent is very close and when I pour pomegranate scented wax I use Bittercreeks....try getting of sniff of nature's Garden pomegranate....it smells like bird of paradise and while I think Peaks scents are always great I dislike their BOP

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