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Flea market


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Hello all,

I'm considering renting my first table at the local flea market. I've read many of your posts on what to bring, etc. How do you know how many candles to make? I'm a little nervous since this will be my first time doing this. Thanks for your feedback!


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My wife and I have a permanent shop set up at our local flea market here in Jacksonville Fla. I can tell you this...no matter what you have your customers will be looking for something else...If your candles are strong scented...they will want light scented..and vise/versa. If you do pink gel with bubbles ..they will want pink without bubbles...you see what I'm getting at. No matter what you take it won't be just the right thing. So....take a variety and bite your tongue on the rest.

I will tell you this...a friend of my wife wanted some candles with designer scents. So my wife got some Tommy Girl..Obession...Heavenly and Eternity. She made the candles for her friend. She had about two dozen extra's made. We took them to our shop on Sat. morning. We put the price tags on them, made a spot for them on a table...and 15 mins. later everyone was gone...SOLD....

We couldn't believe it.

So we put in an order for several large bottles of FO's of each..and are now getting ready for this weekend.

Hope this help you

Bill and Donna

Jacksonville Fla

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  • 2 years later...

I love the flea market except some people:lipsrsealthey tend to throw my tarts around like trash!but for the most part people are real nice,just listen close they will tell you what they are looking for ,keep notes and take it from there,as far to bring 3 scent each on candle scents per day and tarts ,you can never make or take to many,I nearly sell out each weekend ,the next week i make twice the amount and sold.I think the main thing here is they don't like overly stocked tables,they say it's over whelming to look at,keeo it simple not too fancy and always set up in the same spot so repeat s can find you .I don't if it helped you or not.But I do know no matter how I packaged my soaps,how fancy,how plain,how many bars,they do not sell well at all in this area but craft fairs are the opposite.Good luck

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I dont want to offend anyone here but I guess I have a mental block in this area. Ihave been asked to put my products in flea markets, auctions and such but I wont do it. I look at it from the customers eye view. To me people there want something for nothing and to me it "cheapens" my products to be in places like that. If it works for you Im really glad and wish you the best. But for me Id rather have mine in stores, craft shows etc.

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I went to a flea market once and never again. People were looking for cheap stuff in the dollar or below range. I can't sell handcrafted candles and soap for the prices they were shopping for. I'm just saying do your homework and make sure you sell your handmade things at the venues they will sell at. Around here flea markets are strictly for used junk and trash treasures.

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Good luck with doing your first market stall! :)

I reckon, take whatever you've got and try and make your stall attractive. I've seen so many candle people who don't even bother with even a cloth on their tables! Show pride in your product EVEN at a flea market!

The good thing about flea markets/trash and treasure, is that there always seems to be a lot of people milling around. Ok so yeah, a lot of them ARE looking for "cheap" but there will be people if they are into candles who will stop and take a look ( and hopefully buy too!)

Think of it as advertising, that way even if you don't make a whole lot, well, you don't get so disheartened. ;)

I used to sell country woodcrafts at a trash and treasure market. I went every week and before long I got my "regulars' and ended up making quite a bit from it.

That's the thing I think....finding the right market where you can be there regularly!

This may not be the right one, but then again it could be.

You won't know until you try!


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