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making molds

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can anyone tell me some basic instructions on making my own flexible molds. Such as where to buy the liquid latex or silicone. If I use latex or silicone (maybe it is the same) and do I use real food for the mold or do you make a replca some how? I am dying to figure ths out! Thanks, you guys are great!

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I found a really good site on making moulds - it's quite long but there's lots of great info there.

As for latex and silicone - they're very different. Latex is what is used to make rubber moulds and it's more of a very stretchy thin material. It's great for making animals and figure type candles.

There are several different types of silicone and it's expensive. Basically it creates rigid but flexible moulds, perfect for things like embeds.

Anyway here's the web site - http://www.hirstarts.com/moldmake/moldmaking.html#sources

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