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When Rustics Go Wrong Pic & A Couple Of Questions


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candlesroses120.jpgI love playing with rustics but sometimes they just don't work right.....like this bunch I made at the w.e.

I think the 3x3 is the best tho' its not great.

Some of the rustic layer got left behind in the moulds, the 2 1/4" diameter ones were a PIA to get out of the moulds even after leaving them overnight.

I think I poured some of the layers too cool (around 145F) which is why the rustic layer didn't stick very well in places.

Can any of you rustic experts give me some help here.

Are smaller diameter rustics always more difficult to de-mould?

I don't use any mould release stuff either btw.


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When the wax cools to the point of when it is in the pour pot and when you move the wax around in the pot it leaves a thin skin on the inside of the pot...that's when I pour.

I hope that made sense...

My second rustic wasnt as good as that first one...LOL...I think I hurried it. I still have to get the timing down right.

I think those are really pretty though!

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Those look great. Now personally, I don't mind if a little pit or ding occurs here and there -- I think it adds to rustic charm. But yeah, I wouldn't want a big layer of the rustic to stay inside the mold while the rest of the candle comes out. I know lots of folks don't use mold release once the molds are well seasoned, but I do go ahead and spritz a bit in there before I pour a rustic to make sure it comes out OK. I'm chicken that way. :o

Awesome colors! Oh, and I'm a relative rookie at rustics, so feel free to blow off anything I say. :laugh2:

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Try pouring higher/hotter than 145. In addition, try rolling the mold between your hands before releasing the candle. It looks like it was forced out and maybe it wasn't, but most of the frosting will stay inside a mold if it is forced or chilled and removed. HTH.

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Thanks Scented,I'll try pouring warmer next time.

I rolled the tall one loads & gave up in the end & stuck it in the freezer, I knew it wasn't the best idea but I was getting so frustrated with it!

The frosted layer is actually loose in places on most of them but they're just experiments for myself just now so I'm not too bothered. I know they burn ok.

As I don't dye my soy I like playing with colour in the pw rustics etc.

Judyvega, I'm using a British pw, melt point 57-59* & I'm adding 3 tablespoons stearic, once the frosted layer has cooled enough I added this batch at 145f which is too cool I know, I was doing other things at the time.

I'll have another go this w.e,pouring warmer this time.


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Based on what I'm looking at...I wouldn't change a thing with those candles. Really love the ones in the back. Your mistake just might be a new "candle" lesson for all of us on how got your candles to look like that. :) Beautiful looking candles and nice choice of colours also. Now...can you make (4) more and post for us. :rolleyes2

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Thanks all for the lovely comments.

Hi E, they were all poured into room temp moulds & cooled on the counter overnight, the tall one went in the freezer when it wouldn't come out then I forgot about it for too long...lol I've got a brain like a sieve sometimes.

I only seem to have problems getting the narrower ones out not a clue why.


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