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Candles & Supplies 350 New Scents on Sale!


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Hopefully their FO's have improved in the last few years.

I agree with CB, I'll pass.

As with any supplier...some are good fo's and some are not. That's why you order samples and TEST. There are some that I have bought that I just plain don't like and some that I do from a wide range of suppliers. Every supplier orders from a manufacturer...........unless they have their own chemist. Every manufacturer has a different spin on the fragrance.

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I did order a load samples and test and not a one of the bunch was a keeper.

This was at least 6 years ago, back when you could send them back, which I did.

And that is why I commented I hope they've improved, but I wouldn't touch them if they were free. JMHO!

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Yes IndyGirl, I agree ... however, I know their manufacturer ... that's one of the reasons I'm passing.

I would like to know the manufacturer too. Not so much to avoid C & S...but to avoid the manufacturer if you have inside info on them! I have been learning a lot about manufacturers in the last few months. They are NOT all created equally for sure!

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Here's the info on testing:

These are all supercharged, top quality designer scents that were formulated for paraffin wax or soy candles. Our labs are still testing for candle gel and bath and body product compatibility and we'll update our website as the information becomes available so check back frequently.

I hope that they are working on scent descriptions also. I have always had good customer service from them and have no complaints. Belle Aire lists them on their site so, I would gather from that, that some of their oils come from them. They probably order from several manufacturers. But I don't know. Why wouldn't a supplier know if something was skin safe? The MSDS that comes from the manufacterer would state this.

I'm not defending C&S. I just thought it was a good intro price on some new scents from a company that I have had no problems with. So, don't shoot the messenger!

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Guest EMercier

Just wanted to let you know that I was there Saturday. I get my soy wax from them. It was their last Saturday being open so I drove up there and got a few cases of wax to save on shipping. They give you one free sampler for every $50 you purchase, so I got three. I really like the Sandalwood Pear. Apparently (since I asked) they bought these from another supplier and when they are gone, they are gone. The others I got I don't like. Now, I will admit they were my only supplier for the longest until I joined here a few years ago with the old board, but have since branched out. There are some of their FO's that are good. Others I can do without. I love their Clean Cotton, Lovespell, and Pears & Berries. There are more, but I think it has a lot to do with how much you use and with what type of wax. The only real complaint I have is with their Moonlight Path. I used the same amount I normally use with the others and the throw is not good at all.

I know this is long winded, but I've never had an issue with billing or anything for that much. I've gottent he wrong thing once and they told me to keep it and sent the correct thing. Also, one lady got nasty with me, but she is no longer there. I spoke with Cindy and she made it right. Maybe because I've gone up there so many times and they see me and know me. I don't know.

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Guest EMercier

These are the ones that are on special. That's what I was told when I was in there. I've seen this with other suppliers as well. It stears me away because if it becomes popular, how can you find it?

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Now if you hadn't told us this, some people might have bought, tested, and added this FO to their line.

Then C&S would say they are out of stock, discontinued it, when people wanted to reorder.. :shocked2:

They should be upfront and tell people what they told you.

At least make their customers aware..

Oh well, they will have even more Pissed Off customers after this one.. :P

Kinda like the combo/warmers at Christmas!! :angry2:

They ran out of stock in November and they are still out of stock!!

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I'm right there with you on that. Just thinking about why I refuse to use them anymore still gets my blood pressure elevated.

Thanks for reminding me why I can't stand C&S..... like the stinging from my last order fiasco didn't still remind me....

No thank you!


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