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Wick Pin????

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I think I remember seeing people posting or seeing somewhere where people put their pillar wick pins inside of the pillar. Am I right on this or did I just imagine it? I put my wick pins in my pillar molds from the outside. Am I doing this wrong or is it a matter of preference? Are their any better benefits between the 2?

Sorry for all the ?????'s but I just happened to think about this as I was getting ready to pour more pillars this weekend.

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We usually use them on the outside if the mold has a hole. If not, we put them on the inside. Because of the shape of the wick pin, the tops have a nice, concave top regardless of whether the pin is on the inside or outside.

The thing I like most about placing them inside the mold is that if a candle is stubborn about releasing from the mold, the wick pin provides something to grab and pull.

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We usually use them on the outside if the mold has a hole. If not, we put them on the inside. Because of the shape of the wick pin, the tops have a nice, concave top regardless of whether the pin is on the inside or outside.

The thing I like most about placing them inside the mold is that if a candle is stubborn about releasing from the mold, the wick pin provides something to grab and pull.

Same here :cool2:

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