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Oxides and Micas in Soap


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How do you guys mix your powdered colors into your CP soap? Do you just toss the powder in and then stick blend the crap out of it to mix it or do you do it a different way. Was thinking of this today as I was making soap and cussing my lavender because it wasn't mixing like it should.....and leaving color specks in the soap.....and of course the more I stick blended it the stiffer it became......Mell of a Hess on my Lavender, Cucumber & Sage.......

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I mix it with a bit of water and make sure it's smooth. Usually I just use the liquid of the top, KWIM? The lumps seem to stick to the bottom... (I use a dixie cup with about 1T oil for 1/2 tsp oxide).

Tried with glycerin - what a lumpy mess and I ended up with little powder pockets in the soap - not a good thing!

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I mix it with a bit of water and make sure it's smooth. Usually I just use the liquid of the top, KWIM? The lumps seem to stick to the bottom... (I use a dixie cup with about 1T oil for 1/2 tsp oxide).

Tried with glycerin - what a lumpy mess and I ended up with little powder pockets in the soap - not a good thing!

You use oil or water? I usually don't have a problem with my oxides mixing in nice and smooth but today we had a soap fairy reunion at my house. They came from all over! And the biotches broke my oven too. 2 year old oven and when I turn it on......there is no gas sound and of course doesn't light. BUT the burners on top work great. So no oven to pop my mold into to gel. It is wrapped in blankets on the bed in the guest bedroom and I just peeked and it did gel. I am so done playing in soap today!

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I mix it with a bit of my liquid oils until it's a smooth paste at the bottom of the cup. Then I mix it in with soap I pull out at thin trace. If it's for a solid color, I'll dump it back into the rest of the oils - if it's for a swirl, it's ready to go.

Doing it that way Robin are you then able to stir it into you thin traced soap instead of having to stick blend it in? Because the stick blending of course accelerates the soap.......which in turn leaves no time to play!

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I've done it both ways. At first only water worked for me, lately it's been oil (it was a typo tho - I meant to say oil).

I think it depends on the colorant. I keep meaning to try a bit of each in oil and in water and write down which seems to "dissolve" it better.

I think I already said it, but the "smoosh a bit in glycerin" did not work for me at all. Ugh! Anyone want to paint their husband brown and black? I scented that soap with some masculine FO.

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