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Oil on top of candle

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Here's whats weird out of a dozen candles lately I'll have 1 that gets oil coming to the top. I use 8 - 9% with most oils but it seems if I used to much the whole batch would do this. How can just one be that way?

Thats telling me the oils are not mixed into the wax evenly and that scares me. I always make sure to add oils at the right temp and I stir quite a bit.

Any clues?

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Are you pouring more than one candle out of the same pot/batch? Or mixing and pouring just one candle at a time? If I have a large pour pot that I will pour two or three candles at a time from, I need to stir thoroughly right before pouring each one, or else I get a weird one.

HTH! geek

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Yup- you could test this by not doing anything different and setting the last candle you pour from emptying the pot aside and watch to see if this is the one that gets oily. That would mean there is FO sitting on the bottom of your pot. Even if you stir really well when adding it in... you will usually need to stir again often throughout the pouring process because it will settle back down to the bottom. Some oils are heavy and wont stay incorporated very well. The others would all be fine, but it's the last one where you scrape out the wax or have gotten down to the bottom where the excess or heavy fo is sitting.

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Thanks, I think I try all the above. I know I'm not overloading the wax because I have done in the past and all the candles will have oil. I guess I could also cut back a little bit. My batches are 5# of wax which makes a dozen JJ for me.

I'm gonna check the burn on those with oil (first I'll wipe up excess) to see if they burn right.

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Yeah, but in most places, the indoor air temperature varies from winter to summer. Things stored are generally much cooler in the wintertime than in the summer... For example, I don't need to refrigerate sodas during the winter - they stay very cool even inside the house; but during the summer, I would have to chill them or they would taste like warm spit.

Glad you got a chance to crack Webster's - wonderful book!:yay:

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