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I kinda like it and "get" it ('wicked' meaning 'awesome), but I'm young. I'd imagine quite a few people over 30 (maybe even younger) wouldn't immediately remember 80s/90s youth slang and might be put off by it.

Of course, you could be in that age category and still like it, but I think you have to get out of yourself and think how most people might perceive it. Would their interested be piqued enough to go to your site/store or would Totally Wicked sound so bad they wouldn't even continue to read your print ad/etc?

All of this is really dependent on what kinds of things you're selling and what your target market it, but still good things to think about. :)

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I kinda like it and "get" it ('wicked' meaning 'awesome), but I'm young. I'd imagine quite a few people over 30 (maybe even younger) wouldn't immediately remember 80s/90s youth slang and might be put off by it.

Of course, you could be in that age category and still like it, but I think you have to get out of yourself and think how most people might perceive it. Would their interested be piqued enough to go to your site/store or would Totally Wicked sound so bad they wouldn't even continue to read your print ad/etc?

All of this is really dependent on what kinds of things you're selling and what your target market it, but still good things to think about. :)

I want to add that "wicked" is a regional slang also. I'm in Texas and in my 30's and only know it because my good friend from New England says it.

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Are you all saying "wicked" or wick ed" with two sylables.

I think that's the idea here -- it can be either/or! I'm 43 in Tx & remember saying 'wick-ed' quite a bit, but then I had a total Valley Girl thang going fer-shur in the 80's! LOL I think most people would see it to read wicked (like a candle wick) & miss the double entendre. If it rocks your boat & the name is available, go for it.


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