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Paraffin & Surf & Turk

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Yes! That's it the one! I'm so excited...I think I'm going to buy two--one for soy and one for paraffin. I just wanted to make sure it was safe for paraffin...

I did search the forum for this and no one really seemed to say that they had tried paraffin--just that it didn't seem like a good idea.

Thanks for all your imput!!!


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Works great!!!

Just make sure your melt your wax in a presto or something else the first time (about 5 lbs or so) THEN pour into the Turkey Fryer. For some reason you only have to this the first time.......after that first time it's ok to turn it on with hardened wax in it, poke a few relief holes and turn it on. Don't know why you can't just put the hard wax straight in the first time, but there have been fire issues.:lipsrseal

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Yes that's what I did too. I just always keep enough in it to keep the coil covered now and turn it on. I don't poke hole in it though.....works fine. I've got mine warming up right now! Ready to pour tonight! You will love it! What I love the most is that I use IGI 4627 and can just drop in a whole block without having to chop it up! Now.........what shall I pour?????


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Surf N Turf,.. turkey frier, whatever you want to call it, after I read about it here, I got the same one from bedbathnbeyond on clearance too!!

:yay: I did a little happy dance after the first use with mine!! The kids, and husband were so happy that I freed up the counters and stove-top that they joined in on the happy dance with me!! :yay::yay::yay::yay::highfive::highfive:

This has become an expensive little hobby!!

I dont know what it means ,,.. but I've overheard them whispering.....

shhh.....making them keeps her sane!

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Curious..whats the difference between that & the presto? I know what the difference is litteraly, but is the turey frier better then the presto pot. I cant keep up with you guys. I started out using the double boiler & then read about the presto pot so went & bought one of those..now i'm hearing about the surf & turf...when will it stop! lol

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Nope, no coupon. I just happened to call the bb&b around here and that's their sale indefinately.

I think that not only does it melt a lot more wax, but it has the spout (that you don't have to install yourself). So, I'm getting two! Yes this "hobby" is very expensive. I can't even count all the money I've spent over the last 10 or so years. But I love it anyway. :grin2:

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Silly question... can you pour the wax right from the drain valve or do you have to figure out a way to pour it into a pouring pot? I have a hard enough time pouring from the presto into the pour pot without making a mess... I couldn't imagine having to lift this thing when it's full of wax!

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Oh please answer cause yes i want to know too..if so I will buy one. I'm not sure if i do enough to afford this but hey if it makes it easier..i'm gettin one. lol

Silly question... can you pour the wax right from the drain valve or do you have to figure out a way to pour it into a pouring pot? I have a hard enough time pouring from the presto into the pour pot without making a mess... I couldn't imagine having to lift this thing when it's full of wax!
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Nope, no coupon. I just happened to call the bb&b around here and that's their sale indefinately.

I think that not only does it melt a lot more wax, but it has the spout (that you don't have to install yourself). So, I'm getting two! Yes this "hobby" is very expensive. I can't even count all the money I've spent over the last 10 or so years. But I love it anyway. :grin2:

I've only been doing this 8 months & I cant even think of how much I have spent. Just gettin started was expensive. I'd say well over 3,000 bucks so far.. :cry2:& that could be a low number.

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