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? about show fees


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I am going to try to get into a show that runs a few times a year in my town - I've never done a show before - my question is this - they charge the normal booth fee, but also a 12% commission on your sales - is this normal? I had never noticed that mentioned before when browsing through this section. Thanks for any replies. :)

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yeah I was surprised when I found out about it - HOWEVER, this show has been around for 20 years, and they always have a good turnout and I know peep who sell other things there that always make a killing.....so I guess it will be worth it to try it once and see how it goes!

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I never paid a commision at any of the shows I went to. It almost makes you want to hike up your prices 12%.

Right on. I figure I will jack up my price a bit to make up the difference. I've gotten a really good response to my product here, so I think I'll be okay in doing that. I'll find out!

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I have done a couple of charity benefit shows that are free or very low cost to get a spot, then require a commission % be donated to the charity.

I also ran a benefit show last year this way- only $25 for a table to cover costs, and then 10% of sales be donated to the charity. A lot of people liked it since the up-front cost was lower, it seemed like less of a "risk" to be in the show. However, this year I am rethinking it as we had quite a few vendors packing up that said they would be right over to give us their donation, then skipped out. :mad: Bad karma IMO!!!

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If you run another show on commission, do a round of the tables 3/4 of the way through the day, collect what you're owed thus far, and then do a final round at the end. This way if they run, you at least have something. Hope you've kept track of who ran last year, and not allow them back in.

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Good idea with doing a round of the tables before the end of the day!

And yep, the "runners" are not allowed back this year. One of the women was a giant PITA from the time she signed up and at the show itself, so I was actually glad that she split- I was going to have to come up with a reason she wasn't allowed back next year.

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Good idea with doing a round of the tables before the end of the day!

And yep, the "runners" are not allowed back this year. One of the women was a giant PITA from the time she signed up and at the show itself, so I was actually glad that she split- I was going to have to come up with a reason she wasn't allowed back next year.

I would tactfully inform her that somehow she missed last year's requirement of the percentage of fee and that only those vendors that met that are being allowed back. She may be upset but hold your ground after all you operated in good faith and expected the same. JMO

Good luck


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I would tactfully inform her that somehow she missed last year's requirement of the percentage of fee and that only those vendors that met that are being allowed back. She may be upset but hold your ground after all you operated in good faith and expected the same. JMO

Good luck


All vendors signed a contract at check-in, and received a hard copy of the show "rules" (they'd already had one emailed as well). It was stated at the top that if you broke any of the rules, you would not be allowed in any future shows. It was very clear. But- I am expecting at least one of the women to try getting back in this year- and I will use your line above, I like it! :highfive:

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i Don't like shows that charge a commission on what i make. Because i generally do more business than other around me. Not a smug thing, but my sales likeability is higher, and i have been at alot of shows where people just sit there, waiting for someone to buy. My booth is more customer oriented, and very pro active. so why should i have to pay more than someone else? Also, My prices tend to be lower than others who sell similar types of products. I make up for my low prices in quanity. JMHO

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I am going to try to get into a show that runs a few times a year in my town - I've never done a show before - my question is this - they charge the normal booth fee, but also a 12% commission on your sales - is this normal? I had never noticed that mentioned before when browsing through this section. Thanks for any replies. :)

I've not heard of it, but I don't do many shows.

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