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Have you ever heard this?

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Some weeks ago I came over the website of another competitor. She offers unscented candles and gives the following recommendation: "Simply add some drops of fragrance oil into the melted waxpool to make a scented out of an unscented one!":shocked2::shocked2::shocked2:

Ever heard of something like that?

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I haven't heard of it...I'm sorta thinking though.. it's not a good marketing technique... If you are dropping FO into a melt pool, that candle must have been already ignited to form the pool... I can see customers not extinquishing the candle to add the FO, dropping the FO into the melt pool,while the wick still ignited... I'd be worried about a flash flame or something like that, thinking on the order of adding gas to a fire. I'm not sure that an insurance company would want to insure a product with those types of liabilities possible.

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Some candlemaking books from the early 60's & 70's suggest adding a drop of FO or essential oils to the melt pool and some of the books on candles published in Britian also suggest that. I would either scent or not scent:)

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It's not too far removed from what some commercial candlemakers do anyways, which is to only apply FO to the top of the candle to shave off a few extra bucks. They know that you're going to smell the candle, and if the top smells, you're going to assume that the whole candle will smell like that...you're getting cheated. Of course, some people say that the scent will somehow magically flow through the rest of the candle this way...I'd like to know HOW...

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I have always loved really strong fragrances in my home. I admit I did some pretty crazy things before I started making candles and became enlightened...and this was one of them. I always added oil to the melt pool of my candles.:embarasse

Shame on you!!! I am just kidding around.:P

But doesn't it make us feel so good now to know the "bestest" way to make great scented candles?!

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Actually, I do this all of the time. Not this exactly. There's no flame involved, but a warmer/container combo really does benefit from 're-scenting' after a wax has lost it's oomph. You've got all of this warmed wax that's no longer throwing like it used to, what do you do with it? Put in a drop of this and a drop of that to experiment with diff scent combos.

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