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Squeeze bottle technique for soap?


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I know I've missed something. For a couple of weeks, I've seen posts that refer back to some kind of squeeze bottle technique, which I've gathered is used for swirling soap. I tried a search and came up with lots of B&B stuff but no soap threads. Can anyone enlighten me? I've very intrigued!

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It's basically to put your colored portion into one of those squeeze catsup bottles with the spout and then pushing the spout down into the soap in the slab as you squeeze it out in squiggles. That way you can get it down into the soap. Then probably you would want to do another squiggle on top. I read one post where someone attaches a straw to the end (I guess to get it deeper?). Be careful, I also read that someone had the top pop off when she squeezed...

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I know I've missed something. For a couple of weeks, I've seen posts that refer back to some kind of squeeze bottle technique, which I've gathered is used for swirling soap. I tried a search and came up with lots of B&B stuff but no soap threads. Can anyone enlighten me? I've very intrigued!

http://www.beauxeaux.com/swirltutorial/howtoswirl.htm :grin2:

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Another trick is to pour half of your base color into the mold, take your swirling color and pour it in zigzags at least 14" over mold.Then pour the rest of the base color and repeat step number 2 from above, grab your bamboo skewer and swirl as usual. For logs cut the entire log in half horizontally first then cut into bars instead of cutting vertically only. You will expose a totally new level of swirl beauty doing it this way.

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I use the squeeze bottle method when I want pictures in my soap... I do not use it for swirls.

I posted a picture on the thread titled Cherries, Cherries, Everywhere...

I made the cherries and leaves by placing different colors of soap at light trace in squeeze bottles and then making designs in the soap. It is quite tricky but when you get the hang of it the sky is the limit!

I am going to make a lemon batch tonight.


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