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Soys that throw in 24 hrs?

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I've tried Snowtop and GW 464 and they both have a pretty good throw within 24-48 hrs. I was wondering if there are any other soys that do the same. I did some searches on different soys but most of the info was on frosting, wet spots, etc. Not much on cure time and HT. Any opinions on other soys?

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Dunno if you mean hot or cold throw, but my Naturewax C-3 candles have great cold throw as soon as they are cooled! We don't test them for about a week to allow the candles to cure, but most have great hot throw also. I have only used one other soy wax (hated it), so I can't speak to whether the brand of wax makes a big difference, but I KNOW the brand of fragrance or essential oil does! If you are consistantly having trouble with getting good throw at 1 oz. per pound of wax, I would suggest trying some samples from another supplier. No reason to stay with stuff that isn't working. It is NOT uncommon, however, to get a "dud" FO sometimes from a supplier whose stuff normally does well for us... just one of those "things"... Test, test, test, test...:grin2:

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Dunno if you mean hot or cold throw, but my Naturewax C-3 candles have great cold throw as soon as they are cooled! We don't test them for about a week to allow the candles to cure, but most have great hot throw also. I have only used one other soy wax (hated it), so I can't speak to whether the brand of wax makes a big difference, but I KNOW the brand of fragrance or essential oil does! If you are consistantly having trouble with getting good throw at 1 oz. per pound of wax, I would suggest trying some samples from another supplier. No reason to stay with stuff that isn't working. It is NOT uncommon, however, to get a "dud" FO sometimes from a supplier whose stuff normally does well for us... just one of those "things"... Test, test, test, test...:grin2:


Where do you get your FO's From using the C 3 wax? Thanks

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When I re-read my question today (after some much needed sleep), I realized I was being to general with my wording. And this is strickly out of curiosity. Just one of those things that keeps bothering you 'cause you don't know the answer. :confused:

If you start with the end results:

2 candles, different soys. After 2 weeks both have a great CT & HT. But candle A had those results after 24 hrs and candle B took 2 weeks to achieve the same. Does that make any sense? So with everything else being equal...best fo, % addeded, proper pouring temp for each of the soys, some will "cure" and produce good results sooner than others.

Just wondered what results others were getting with the soys that they are using as far as "cure" time.


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I'm interested in this as well. I just tested some EL Millenium blend and the cold throw was strong as soon as it set up. I had to add 4% BW to get the tops smooth, and play around with wicks to get the best melt pool...and then "tempa-cured" them for 24 hours to eliminate wet spots. At 28 hours (3.5 hr burn) the hot throw is not as strong as I would like.

I just ordered some EcoSoya CB 135 to test. Anyone know the recommended cure time for hot throw either of these waxes?

What are the soy or soy blends in your expereince that hot throw in the shortest cure time?

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I'm burning Passionate Kisses from NG at 1 oz. pp in 464 right now, and it's not a super strong thrower. You may want to go up on this one. I love the fragrance, but the strength is not "knock your socks off", at least in 464. And, for the record, this one has cured for about 3 days.


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Ok...I was wrong about the EL Millenium blend...it's throwing like a champ now...in fact, I need to wick down on the next test, as the melt is too deep. But burning clean and throwing...so at least I know it hot throws withing 48 hours.

I only got 1 lb to test...(freebie) 1 lb is definitely not enough for testing! LOL

I got 10 lbs coming of the EcoSoya. *whew* (not a freebie tho...darn it) :grin2:

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I guess that's Murphy's Law working it's magic. Whatever you order the least of you'll wind up liking the best! Glad to hear the EL Millenium is working out well. That makes 3 soy brands with short cure times and according to Willow, about a week for C-3.

Let us know how the CB-135 works out.

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I guess that's Murphy's Law working it's magic. Whatever you order the least of you'll wind up liking the best! Glad to hear the EL Millenium is working out well. That makes 3 soy brands with short cure times and according to Willow, about a week for C-3.

Let us know how the CB-135 works out.

I am letting this test run sit for 5 days. I have EXCELLENT cold throw right away with C3. I am very new and am still trying to figure out wicks :grin2: . I truly have not waited to long for curing to test the hot throw.

Willow Candle

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I'm interested in this as well. I just tested some EL Millenium blend and the cold throw was strong as soon as it set up. I had to add 4% BW to get the tops smooth, and play around with wicks to get the best melt pool...and then "tempa-cured" them for 24 hours to eliminate wet spots. At 28 hours (3.5 hr burn) the hot throw is not as strong as I would like.

I just ordered some EcoSoya CB 135 to test. Anyone know the recommended cure time for hot throw either of these waxes?

What are the soy or soy blends in your expereince that hot throw in the shortest cure time?


Wht is "tempa-cured"


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Willow, I made these handy dandy "cooling cuffs" with fluted corrugated cardboard and lined the inside of the cuffs with strips of old towels.

I get the cardboard in rolls.


Then I wrap the candle and close it with a clothespin, put an upside down box on top of it to keep the cooling temp stable and let it sit for at least 24 hrs. Very high-tech! LOL :grin2:

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Willow, I made these handy dandy "cooling cuffs" with fluted corrugated cardboard and lined the inside of the cuffs with strips of old towels.

I get the cardboard in rolls.


Then I wrap the candle and close it with a clothespin, put an upside down box on top of it to keep the cooling temp stable and let it sit for at least 24 hrs. Very high-tech! LOL :grin2:

Thanks and cool idea!!!!!!


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For me it's a function of the fo in my particular soy blend. Some throw almost immediately; others need to wait a few days before I get optimal throw. I try to keep ready-made stock on hand at all times in all scents so that customers are always getting a cured-out candle. Once in a great while I have to send a fresh one with an order, but I just attach a note saying when the candle was poured and stating that it may need a few days' more cure before optimal throw results can be achieved. :)

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