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Solid Perfume Question

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After waiting forever for my items to ship, I finally got them in today, and started the testing phase for my solid perfumes. I tested four fragrance oils, Very Sexy (VS Type), Good Love Fortune, Mango Mandarin (I think it's a BBW type), and Blackberry Musk. After six hours, the solid perfumes with the Good Love Fortune and the Very Sexy fragrance oils were nice and fragrant (I used 3ml of each scent in the base I used which was about 15ml or so before I melted), the other scents I used were barely noticeable. While I don't want scents shouting at me, I would think that with that combination, there would be some kind of scent.

Is it okay to add more fragrance oil, or should I just chalk this up to the supplier giving me a very weak scent? Thanks

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I don't use a base as I make my own. You must only use skin safe fo's in a solid perfume. My favorites are Mango Mandarin, Yuzu, Peppermint EO and Lavender EO. A few of my male clients really like Polo Blue for Men.

Ann M

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I use skin safe fragrance oils for all my solid perfumes. I made sure that when I bought from a supplier, that these scents were safe for the skin or else I didn't buy them at all. (I learned that from the boards here!)

Also, I used a tablespoon (15ml) of base to make 3 5gram containers. For all of them, I used 2 - 3ml of fragrance oil, and I mixed it up well. While I'm waiting for my beeswax to come in, I used a lip balm base, consisting of shea butter, olive oil, beeswax, cocoa butter, and sweet almond oil (I should try some on my lips now that I think about it).

After a day of letting the solid perfumes sit, the scents are much more prevalent. The Blackberry Musk and Mango Mandarin have scents to them now, and they are nice. Maybe I just needed them to "rest" for a day. Either way, that's the recipe I used, so I hope this helped.

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:shocked2:... Well, obviously. Thought I used a lip balm base, it's not MEANT to be used as a lip balm. I know that myself, and I advise it to people who use it as well. If I wanted it to be a lip balm, I'd have added a flavor oil, or nothing at all (and I have tried it as a lip balm...it's pretty nice). But I used it as a solid perfume, and have labeled it as such.

That said, I have my answer.

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I am excited to try this, I bought some BCN lip balm base to make gloss with my daughter. She loved it, wants to make more. My 2 year old eats it I think though, well she puts it on, licks it off, re-applies, licks again. It won't hurt her will it? I don't know how much she's licked before I catch her. LOL

I want to try the solid perfume and the lotion bar using the Pink Sugar FO. I'm not sure of the % of FO to use for either. I measure in grams but figure in %, easier for me to make different size batches. Any suggestions?

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. My 2 year old eats it I think though, well she puts it on, licks it off, re-applies, licks again. It won't hurt her will it? I don't know how much she's licked before I catch her. LOL

It won't hurt her, but she can end up with super chapped lips. Ouch. Mine was the same way when she was 3. Now we use unsweetened only...

I don't have an answer for you regarding the FO, but yes - % is always easier to work with cause you can apply the amount to ANY recipe...

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