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Rice Bran Flakes?


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Well, I haven't either, but I'm pretty new to soaping so that doesn't mean anything..lol I have heard of the PKO flakes also and have some. I called them to ask if they carried rice bran oil and she said no they carry rice bran flakes. I asked her if it was the same thing just in flake form and she said yes, but she didn't really sound like she knew what she was talking about, so I thouht I better ask someone who did..


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Yup...I think the person you were speaking with didn't know what she was talking about. Rice Bran Oil is much like Olive Oil...it will never get to the state where it would be hard enough to make flakes. Must have been PKO

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Suds- It is! I called again this morning and talked to someone else.. She said it's more like a wax and it isn't the same thing. Good thing I didn't order it..lol Oh, and I am going to pick up an order from them on Thursday and they are really in Carver, not so much Oregon City.. It's an 90 acre Lavendar farm! Wish me luck finding it..lol


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