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Cleanup after CP


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Hope this does not sound too dumb, but I tried CP again this am. We'll see, took a long time to get to trace. My question is how do I cleanup mixing pot and utensils. Is it "hot" from lye and I should wear rubber gloves or can I just wash it out in a sink and touch the CP? Ever since someone talked about the "tongue zap," I've wondered how you clean pot for next batch. TIA, Carole

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Yes, it's still raw soap. If you can find a safe place, the easiest is just to leave it until tomorrow. It will then be soap and easy to wash out.

If you need to clean it up now, I'd keep your gloves on and wipe it out with paper towels to get rid of most of it. Then wash. You don't want a lot of oil going down the drain, and if it turns to soap in your pipes, it might eventually clog it up.

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Oh yes keep the gloves on........

Some people leave everything until the next day. I prefer to clean up right after I'm done a batch.

Gloves on until I'm done washing everything thoroughly. I make sure my sink is completley empty. Rinse a couple of times and then I wash with detergent a couple of times. Dry with paper towels, put away for my next batch.


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I am almost embarrassed to tell this one but tonight I made some soap with a red oxide and kinda rinsed the bowl with the colorant and threw it in the dishwasher. Apparently, I did a lousey job at it because my dishwasher is now a pretty terra cotta color. It is now washing again....with bleach. It is better to wait and wash up the next day if you can stand the bowls around that long.

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I usually clean up most everything but my soaping pot. I have found that leaving the stick blender till the next day isn't such a good idea :rolleyes2 When I go to clean out my pot I take a scraper and get as much of the soap out of the pot as I can (I make soap balls out of this) then wash it.

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