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testing votives

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OK! Finally have some votive-wick combos that made it past the initial 2-hour burn!

But now what? I want to see how long they last, that I get, but in what length periods? Should I marathon burn (I hope not, I DO have to leave the house occasionally)? Will I need to trim wicks if I do? Or should I do it in 3 hour chunks or what?

Also, one of my combos has a FMP that just includes the surface of the candle, while the others went wider and there is "overflow" that goes down the inside of the votive holder. Are both of these OK? The first had hangups at the 2 hour mark, but 20 min into the second burn they went away.

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I find the best holders for testing are the straight sided, tight fitting ones. You will see spill over if the holder is not tight. Burn for a few hours at a time, and trim before relighting.

Just for fun, you can marathon burn, with no trimming as you know that's what some people will do.


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If you want to know how long the candle will burn: Weigh the candle with out the holder and get the total weight. Then weigh the candle and the holder together and get that weight. Then burn the candle for a couple of hours, 2 to 3 will work. Then weigh the candle and holder again and find the weight that was consumed in the time you burned it, use even hours for the burn time. Divide the total loss of wax by the number of hours you burned it and you will get the grams consumed per hour. When you know how many grams are burned per hour divide the total weight of the candle, without the holder, by the grams per hour burn. This will give you the total burn time, or at least real close to it. This works with all candles, but you have to weigh the candle before you put it in the holder to get the candle total weight.

JMO, Elapid----<

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IMO a marathon burn is somewhat important just to be sure that nothing crazy happens. Of course it isn't likely in votives that you'll have trouble here. You just never know how long some people will burn candles for and it is good to know that if they do it nothing terrible is going to happen.

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