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444/464 Wax Residue

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Has anyone figured out why 444/464 leaves a slight, but noticeable residue on the container sides after burning? I love this wax but the trace residue bothers me and I'm not sure how to correct it. I really don't understand it -the melt pool is good and the sides of the container feel hot, but I can definitely see the remains on the side after the jar cools. I don't seem to get the residue with 415, so does the additive (I think it's USA in 444/464) cause this? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Ski

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Hi, my soy does the same thing. Some soys will do it more than others. I hate it too. I found that the soy I use is best burned in smooth sided jars....no corners, etc. I still get some residue (not hang up) but not like I did when I used the curvy cornered jars. I miss the jars, but I could not take the bad residue it left in the corners. It is kinda like the frosting....have to learn to embrace it. I seems like the only way to lesson the residue (other than changing the wax formula, etc.) would be to use larger wicks, but then the flames get too big and the glass gets way too hot which is unsafe......so I do not do this. You have to use big enough wicks as it is with soy just to get the good melt pool. I use double wicks and I still get some residue.

I have found that frosted jars are best to help hide the residue. You do not notice the residue as much. I know this is not an answer for a cure, but I hope it helped some to let you know that you are not the only one with the issue. I would rather have the residue than give up soy. Soy still burns the cleanest for me, and I have grown very attached to it even with its quirks. :wink2:


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I meant to add. The soys that I have tested that are less inclined to leave the residue had other issues -- either less of a scent throw or not as pretty tops, etc. I had to decide which I wanted the most and then deal with its quirks. They all seem to have something. It can drive you nuts!

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I'm a residue victim too. Glad to hear it's not just me. ITA w/you Holly. Only way to get rid of most of it is a bigger wick. But of course that won't burn clean than would it. I'm slowly learning to stop freaking out about the little things, and worry more about the stuff that really really matters. You can't have it all. And most customers won't even notice. They will probably be shocked that they bought a candle that didn't leave half the wax on one side of the glass.

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Try this, look at the other candles you have purchased in the past. Smell them, check out the black soot on the jars, check out the wick placement, light them and check out the HT, etc. If that alone doesn't make you forget about the residue that this wax leaves than nothing will. If you don't have candles to check out, check with friends or neighbors. I just did this and realized how much $$$ I have wasted on crappy candles. This soy is great, except for the quirks but all of the reading that I have done, all soy wax has quirks, I've used some that were much worse than the 444. Good luck.

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Hi Folks,

Of course you're all right - the residue is a small price to pay for a great candle. I'm going to try a few more things just for fun - I'll be sure to let you all know if I stumble across anything that helps. Thanks again, Ski :grin2:

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