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How to convert PKO Flakes to PKO????


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If a recipe calls for Palm Kernal Oil Flakes, how can straight PK OIL be converted to use. The PKO Flakes are so much more exspensive and granted, Im sure much easier to work with but Id rather stick with the oil vs. the flakes due to expenses that I wont have to pass on to my customers! Any imput appreciated!

God Bless,


If a recipe calls for say 3 oz. of PKO Flakes, what would that be in PKOIL???

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They are the same exact thing. Just weigh it as usual.

At Soapers Choice, the difference in cost is $.26/lb. I use about 8oz in each batch of soap I make. That makes that batch cost an extra $.13 cents. I get 16 bars out of each batch so the PKO is costing me less than $.01 extra per bar. That's one penny.

The first PKO I bought was the solid stuff. It was so hard to break up and get out of the bucket I swore I'd never go back, and for less than a penny per bar it is worth it to me.

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