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Square Libby jars from Walmart

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Has anyone tried these jars? I picked up a couple to try, a larger one and a smaller one. I double wicked them but not sure about how they will burn because of the corners. I want to let them cure for a couple days before burning but I am really curious now! Thanks for your input.

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Those jars do make a beautiful candle! I double wicked them as well, with two RRD's but don't remember the size at the moment.:confused: They were for my personal use and did burn to the corners without the glass getting too hot. If I can remember the sizes, I'll let you know. Sorry I couldn't be more help.

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OK here it is, I'm trying 2 ECO 8's with this one. This is the smaller one. Libby's brochure says it is 15 3/4 oz. This is the first picture that I have ever posted. Sorry it is so big. Any advice on the best way to post pics?


This is Lilac/ gb444/ 2 ECO 8's/ liquid dye- purple & burgundy.

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Wonder where my nearest Walmart is... What size R the jars?

Whaddayamean where the nearest Wal-Mart is?!?! You mean it's possible that someone can live some place and not know every route possible to their local Wal-Mart!?!?!?!?! I'm speechless! LOL :laugh2: When you find it, you definately have to get some of these jars. Now I have to go find my old ones . . . . add one more project to my long list of to-do's. DOH!

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I see you've wicked it diagonally instead of centering it widthwise. You may have a hard time with a melt pool reaching the opposite corners wicking it that way. :cool2:

I wasn't sure where to start, I haven't double wicked much. I'm burning it now, so hopefully it will work out, not lookin good though. I'll try centering it next time, see what happpens. Thanks.

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I see you've wicked it diagonally instead of centering it widthwise. You may have a hard time with a melt pool reaching the opposite corners wicking it that way. :cool2:

I wicked mine diagnolly and got a full MP, when I did them centered they didn't reach the corners.

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OK, I burned the larger of the 2 that I made, I ended up with a football shaped MP. For those of you that have successfully wicked these jars, can you give me an idea what sizes of wicks worked for you? I used 2 ECO 10 to start. The wicks that I have on hand are the HTP 1312, 1212, 126, Eco 8,10,12 and some sample packs of ECOs, 62-52-18c, & 60-44-18c. I know I need to wick up but not sure how much.


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It really depends on your wax. I would just keep trying until I got it right. At least that's how I did it. I still cannot remember for the life of me what sizes I used, I've burned the candle completely and do not regularly use RRD's, so I'm no help:(

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OK, I burned the larger of the 2 that I made, I ended up with a football shaped MP. For those of you that have successfully wicked these jars, can you give me an idea what sizes of wicks worked for you? I used 2 ECO 10 to start. The wicks that I have on hand are the HTP 1312, 1212, 126, Eco 8,10,12 and some sample packs of ECOs, 62-52-18c, & 60-44-18c. I know I need to wick up but not sure how much.


cd's, I think I used 2 8's or 10's...

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I burnt the smaller of the 2 today, after 6 hours burn, I got 1/2" MP & almost cleaned the corners. This is GB444/ Lilac fo/ purple & burgandy mix liquid dye/ and (2) ECO 8 wicks. What is acceptable for this type of jar, I am not used to DW or the square thing. I am afraid to wick up because of the taper in the jar.

:confused: Anyone have input on this? :confused:

I think I'm giving up on the larger one, I'm getting really awful MP with that one, I'm going to try one more time with maybe HP 1212 or 1312, haven't decided yet. I just love the look of this jar and would like to get it wicked.

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Does anyone else have any advice for this jar? I am having horrible luck with the double wicking, even with the 1212 in the larger jar. I am afraid to wick up too high for the bottom of the jar, it's much narrower than the top. I love the look of this jar.

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