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Need help with a heat wrap????


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Im not sure if I posted this in the right area so I apologize if I didn't but I need help making a heat wrap for my father for his birthday. I know I can use a sock or make my own type of wrap but I need help with a filler? I've heard of people using rice, flax seeds, and oatmeal. I've also heard that the rice will smell after you heat it 2 or 3 times but havent heard anything about the flax seed or oatmeal. Any help would be appreciated

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My sister has one with buckwheat. It smells like popcorn sometimes when it's in the microwave (go figure). The smell is not offensive in the least. I have some that are filled with rice, and yup, if I get 'em real hot they smell like rice.

The smell fades as they cool, and since I use mine for foot warmers in the bed I can't smell 'em anyway.

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Ok, dumb question here... what is a heat wrap?? :embarasse

Its basically like a heating pad.

You put it in microwave for a few minutes and you have heat.

Can use them anywhere on your body.

Nice to have around when you can't use a heating pad and alot safer for people .

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I have one with buckwheat and I persoanlly don't like the smell to much.. I also have used one with rice and I do think it holds heat a bit better..They are great, I use them all the time for the dreaded cramps..:undecided and for back pain.. It produces a nice moist heat..


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Deer corn works really well and holds the heat better than any of the other 'fillers'. I use a mixture of flax, buckwheat, herbs and deer corn. I make a 9x18 wrap and use about 2 pounds of ingredients - the deer corn being the primary.

To 'refresh' slightly mist your bag. Rice is not good if you are using herbs or introducing moisture to your bag as it can mold or become soggy!

Do a search - there is a hospital in Arizona where they are now using these heat wraps in their physical therapy dept....

I made these for the old folks at Christmas time and they love them! And I use them all the time - great for 'what ails you'! I put mine in muslin bags then make a cover for them - tried using just a nice cotton but flannel feels nicer! And the cover can be laundered. I use a variety of herbs, which I researched and read about before I choose them.

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Thanks so much for the replies. Well I made two samples one with flax seed which kept warm for a while but did sweat a little when heated. It actually seemed to help with comfort though and had a slight smell but not bad. I also made one with oatmeal and that did not hold heat longer then 10-15 minutes so thats a definite no. I put mine in a muslin sack and made a washable cover for it. I am interested though, with the deer corn wouldn't that be a bit uncomfortable? How long does it hold heat? Where can you buy it in bulk? With the buckwheat does it sweat as well? How long does it hold heat? Thanks again:D

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Actually the "sweat" is supposed to be therapeutic, though I personally don't like it. I put the sacks I have into another flannel cover after I heat them to help with that. The directions it came with said to keep a small cup or bowl of water in the microwave when heating the things. I don't know if that's to generate the "sweat" or to keep the buggers from catching on fire...

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