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sales tax and craft fairs


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Absolutely charge it. HOW you do it may vary by your state. I adjust my normal retail pricing up and round to the nearest $0.25. My prices are posted and that's what I charge, no additional tax on top of that. However, to do that in my state I must also have signs posted that clearly state that tax is already included in the price, and, the actual retail price must be available for the customer to see.

Some states just don't let you do that at all, you have to add tax to your posted prices regardless.

That said, no matter how it's done, make sure that your price is adjusted so that the CUSTOMER is paying the sales tax. That's not something for you to cover. HTH.

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I highly recommend buying yourself a cash register that you can program all that stuff into - it not only adds up your totals and adds sales tax, but many of them actually keep inventory for you as well.

A very good investment that pays for itself the first good show you have AND IMO gives you a "professional feel" that customers trust.

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I don't charge sales tax on top - I have normal fees for candles and stuff, in even dollar amounts. When it's time to pay taxes, I just add up my sales and multiply by .94% or something like that - I have the formula written down at home, and that tells me what I owe our fine Governer (sp? because I don't think I've ever actually written that word out...) in taxes. Which reminds me - I have to do my sales taxes for the quarter :whip: :whip:

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My tax is figured into the price of my products. When you get really busy at a show some people don't want to stand in line while I "figure" in the tax, it's just one more step you have to do. When the prices include the tax you will find a lot of people will have the exact change in hand or will have the check made out, all ready to hand to me, and the line moves much faster.

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I have signs posted with product prices and then in big red letters PLUS 6% SALES TAX. It is my understanding in my state that you are not allowed to incorporate the tax with the price of your products. It must be spelled out separately. But, I've bought things from other vendors at shows and when I ask about sales tax they say it's included in the price. For me, I would rather be safe than sorry.


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I charge it. QuickBooks adds it to the sales reciept.. each county is different so it is nice to have a printout when it is time to pay of what each county is owed. To me, charging sales tax shows you are professional and serious about your craft.

Some of my promoters are telling me they turn in to the gov't a list of vendors at their shows.. if taxes don't get filed, guess they go look the vendors up. Not worth it to not pay.

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