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Palm Wax

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Advantages of palm.....hmmmm......they have pretty effects, like the feathering. My opinion is that even though it is pretty, it is a PITA to wick and it is one of those waxes that you need to babysit as it sets up, and poke relief holes in it, because it is notorious for hidden caverns. I also don't think it throws as well as some of the other waxes. Many places carry it, it just depends on where you live and what you are looking for. HTH. :D

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I have to agree with the others. Palm wax looks very pretty, but the scent throw sucks. Cold throw can be pretty good, but the hot throw is almost non-existent, however, I was surpised once when I set some candles aside for about a month and decided to try them again and I got some scent throw...but I'd prefer it be much stronger. It's a pain in the ass to wick too. If you've found a wick that will work, you're going to be left with a shell because if you go any larger, you'll have side blowouts. I don't like having to maintain a shell on a candle, I prefer to see the flame so I don't make these anymore, and the ones that I do have are purely decorative.

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Some people choose palm wax because they believe it's more "natural" than paraffin and comes from a renewable resource. 2" pillars are sold in many health-food stores and they're really pretty, but they don't burn well.

Palm wax is really nice for molded tapers though. Wicked properly, they're self-consuming with almost no dripping.

I get my palm from GloryBee in Oregon. It comes in loose flakes which is easy to scoop and weigh.

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I'm still expermenting with the palm I've gotten. so far the only good I see is that it's really pretty. I'm having wicking issues and no throw. But then again it's probably me.:confused:

I get mine from alabaster, because it's closer and the shipping seems to be less.

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Very glad to see this thread.

I have been testing glass glow and I have the same problem. Good cold throw and no throw when lighted.

I thought it was me. This was my first candle ever and I could not smell it at all when it was lighted. I just thought I did not know what I was doing and I would have to make some adjustments and try again.

Well this weekend....... I gave up and just went to another wax. Now I am trying GB 444. We will see how these come out.

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