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Soy and Cancer ????

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Even if you ate the candles I don't think any of this would apply. "Soy" is a bean, not a substance. What you use in candles isn't even the part that people often call soy. The candle fuel is vegetable shortening, which is manufactured from the oil extracted from the bean. The only issue I've heard with that is trans-fats.

Soy is an oil bean and has generally been considered ghetto for eating purposes except when fermented as tofu and the like (with the exception of the Japanese edamame snack). In the USA we've been increasing the profitability of the crop in various ways, including devising many soy protein products that are marketed as healthier alternatives to real food. ;) That's where the problem comes in (according to some) with hormones and anti-nutrients.

Soy oil or shortening, not a problem as far as those fears are concerned. The candle stuff is in everything, not to mention it may be your salad or cooking oil.

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All Degenerative diseases...

such as aids, cancer, stroke, heart disease, Alzheimer's, chronic fatigue,

fibromyalgia, cronic bowel, arthritis, and hundreds of others are

allowed or caused by a malfunctioning immune system.

In fact, each one of us has the potential to get cancer everyday.

Our body continually produces new cells and many of these cells

become diseased or mutated.

This is normal everyday, and it is normally not a problem as a properly

working immune system detects and disposes of the diseased or

cancerous cells. It's when our immune system is malfunctioning these

cells multiply and over time can cause cancer, which is the cause of one

out of every three deaths worldwide. Our immune system is the

guardian of our health.

Our Immune system also controls body chemistry...which is why many

people's energy levels are improved and general health seems to return

as our body's chemistry is once in the proper balance.

I agree with Shine. Everything in moderation. Wine is good for you unless you drink too much then it causes problems. The secret to staying healthy is balance. Even taking those vitamins in th morning aren't doing you any good if you don't take them with certain foods. They just get flushed and you might as well go eat a tablespoon of your driveway dirt as it's probably more healthy.

Don't let these "studies" scare you. Some people hear the new fad "Soy is healthy" and they change to a mostly soy diet. This in turn confuses the body and these people neglect getting the other nutrients needed from other stuff.

Don't forget, there are more preservatives in our diets today as well. My parents didn't have all that extra stuff in their diets AND they weren't as lazy so, they are healthier today than we will be at their age...for the most part. They had to "work it off." Now there is a remote control for almost everything...even miniblinds.

I am going to continue to make soy candles. If someone doesn't want my candle because they think it will give them cancer, so be it. Ignorance is bliss...so they say.


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My theory on eating soy is this "Too much of anything is bad for you." (with the exception of spoon fudge, but don't want to get off topic).

Not a vegetarian, but even if I was I would say that it is important to get your protein from a wide variety of foods, and that closer to the earth is better.

This said, I have to go heat up the Spaghetti-Os for my son, and put milk on my daughter's Lucky Charms. I can say it, but living it is completely different).

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Yes, everything in moderation. Everybody is always going nuts about something, and people's eating habits are often swinging from one extreme to the other. Then they find out that whatever it is they were gorging on that month is not good for you. We use soy or canola oil, have always meant to try tofu, but aside from that, have never jumped on the soy bandwagon. I do love the idea of soy candles to add to my beeswax, and have started testing in a small way.

The references to FO are interesting. While I don't think FO's are contributing to cancer, I do think that they are a major contributing factor to the vast increase in respiratory diseases. Many people can't tolerate them, myself among them. I have only ever gotten sick once from them, but going into the candle sections of local stores leaves my mouth feeling thick and soapy. I thnk that the increasing use of highly scented products, including all these air "fresheners?", and hugely scented candles, in our increasingly air-tight houses, is definitely a problem. I've read of people testing several candles in their houses at one time, that would make me move into the barn with the sheep.

I realize that many people on this board use FO's and love them, but keep in mind that there are many, many people who get very sick from them. I've used EO's for years with no problems, I sell only EO scented soap and bath salts in my shop, and have heard frequent comment from people how pleasant it is to come in because it doesn't smell as strongly as many other shops. And in fact, many people can't shop in stores where there are strong FO scented products.

Excuse my rant.

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Maybe for you folks who live up in cold country where you can't open your windows, you could install a good bathroom type vent fan, and when it's not on, you could buy one of these magnetec vent covers I see advertised in some magazines that you put over your heat/ac vents to stop the flow of air. I think that might work.

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The reason that soy is harmful to cancer is because soy feeds estrogen based cancers. Soy is good for other things. You put chemicals into the wax to make it stronger, smell better and look better. Why not the concern for those chemicals. You are more likely to get damage from burning chemicals than soy wax.

Now, if you really want to break it down then the reason that colon cancer has increased is from radiation from microwaves. Think about it, a microwave is at stomach level concentrating radiation there.....

Anyways, soy does not cause cancer. It only feeds estrogen based cancer. If a consumer is worried about feeding their estrogen based cancer through their soy candle then they should probably get another kind. And if I have any say, I think that they should get rid of their microwave:D .

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I Agree Shine, Wax, Carrie....

I am also a registere nurse and:

The articles clearly state, consumption of soy,, and consumption of soy for cancer patients, and those in remission of cancer. This information has been a well known factor for some time.

Unless someone is sitting down at their table,, eating my soy candles out of the container with a spoon, I'm not going to worry about it...


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I think I would be more concerned about all the Parabens and chemicals in your personal care products that are known estrogen mimics which are absorbed directly into the body when applied, and lets not forget all the products that contain nano particles that these companies have no studies or ideas what happens when these quantum sized particles enter the body. JMO:tiptoe:

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You all are reading to much into all of the hype. They are going to try to blame everything for cancer. Cancer is irregular cell growth. It breaks down the rest of our cellular makeup. Which is why they cant combat 100%. There is no guarantee nothing we take won't affect our cellular structure. I do know from research that if we are hormonally imbalanced that it does increase our chances for cancer and sickness. Just like they said Chocolate was contributing to breast cancer. Then a few years later they changed it. We also have to remember some cellular breakdowns are hereditary. You cannot change DNA.

I think people just fear the unknown and that is a natural response. But how many of you have noticed these drug commercials and in addition it gives you this mile long list of adverse reactions while taking. Like bowel bleeding or severe headaches. Yet we take them because our doctors say to.

As far as soy goes. Yes it has to be consumed for it to effect you, but it takes a more concentrated soy to do that. Soy Isoflavones for instance have estrogen producing components. They enhance our natural production of estrogen. Scientists are more concerned about Synthetically produced estrogen that is extracted from pregnant mares urine, which doesn't promote our own production but just replaces it. That is unnatural to our bodies.

People are automatically fearing all estrogen in general because of these synthetics and don't! I was a nurse for a reproductive endocrinologist. We as women need estrogen to function normally. In basics to be a women period otherwise things are unbalanced and if you notice the Cancer and terminal illnesses are more evident in women who are post menopausal. If you also notice for those of you in post that you knew things were unbalanced. Why because you were low in estrogen.

I suggest the people on this board who are afraid of estrogen's. Look up bio identical hormones or NATURAL hormones replacements not synthetic. You would be amazed how much hormones play a big role in our health. I have met a lot of women who take natural estrogen's and they feel healthier and more complete than without.

I know I steered away from the topic some but don't blame the soy it is beneficial. Those particular scientists look for the flaws more than they do the benefits.

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