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January Mall Show


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Someone make the decision for me. The show is a 3 day show in a well traveled mall. $180, which to me, isn't bad at all. I know the hours are long, but are shows really worth it right now?

The show is Jan 19-21. So that'd be perfect Vday gift time. But we're still in great candle season too.

The mall may have a Bath & Body Works...but they don't have a LUSH..so these people would love love love bath bombs & massage bars. So it could be all good.


I do have another option for a craft show the same weekend, but its based around winter activities. Ice Sculptures & things...first time the craft show is even involved. PLUS we have no snow. No winter yet! Shoot, my grass is green (almost)!

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So a January show could actually be worth it? That's my bigger problem. Sure sales rocked last year...but I've never done a show in the first quarter of the year before.

Oh and let me clarify...the craft show is indoors...LOL. In a fieldhouse. Yikes, outdoor, NO WAY. I can't stand them as it is.

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Get on up here Grump! Bring those damn cupcakes.

The only thing that's holding me back now...

is it is an annual winter softball tournament is in in Madison. We drink all day...and all night while they try to play ball.

To sit at a show...or at the bar.

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Take the bath bombs to the bar, cause you know some man pissed off his woman by being at the bar in the first place, so he'll need to buy a "make up" gift. LOL!

Seriously--the alcohol will be there on Monday...do the mall show, it's better to make money than spend it on alcohol (I know...not fun, but think of all the $$ you could make to spend on a vacation where hot men bring YOU drinks)...

(deb is off to find a mall show for $180)...hell, our mall shows are are $360.

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Hell we are still at the mall doing our Christmas show! Going to pack it up tomorrow night. Some times we do ok at the mall with a late Jan. craft show and some times it sucks. Craft shows here are 75.00 but then they have ran them in the ground and let people sell Tupperware even. LOL I want to see the crafter the made the Tupperware!

Being realistic I would guess your sales could be close to $1000.00 if its a good 3 days. I wouldn't expect much over that this time of year unless they promote it right.


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