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CP diagnostics please!


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OK, what's this?? The pic shows white spots on the bottom of my 10 day old soap. I'm not getting zapped so I'm kinda at a loss since I've never had this happen. I use freezer paper to line my tupperware mold & this is the first batch where I've seen this. It doesn't wipe away & is only on areas where the soap was touching the freezer paper.

Ideas anyone??


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I'll try to answer everyone's questions in one shot & hopefully we can figure this out! Or go crazy trying :P

Um, no they don't wipe off. I line using shiny side of the freezer paper facing the soap too. It's not flakey or scratchy. It's not dust or anything flying around the room - figured that would just wipe off & it doesn't. It's almost like a film or a residue... would it make sense that if I'm not getting zapped I should just chalk it up to a reaction with this FO to the freezer paper or something, trim it & call it good? Robin... Bunny... anyone!

Thanks guys!

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Hmmmmm, almost looks like salt. Is it all the way through? If not, couldn't you just trim that off? Sorry I can't help ya, but will be watching this thread with loads of interest.

Nope, it's not all the way through, just the outer surface where it was touching the freezer paper. I'm sure I'll end up just trimming it & trying it out for myself when it's ready.

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The white spots could be fragrance that that didn't fully incorporate into your batch.

Ooh, didn't think of that... I've only ever used this FO for candles & haven't found any info on how it performs in CP so that could be it. It doesn't go all the way through that I can tell - no spots on any other surface except where it's touched the freezer paper. I'll trim a bar and give a couple days to see if it reappears. Will let you all know - thanks for the input everyone!

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The FO idea is a good one - from the color of the batch, I expect there's a bit of vanilla in it? You know how some scents can crystalize out little white chunks when they get cold.... Not that soap is cold, but maybe something like that is going on. FOs have lots of different aroma chemicals in them, you never know which ones are going to react with lye funny. Maybe something reacted and became a "salt", hence the crystaly look.

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