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Wax on floor...argh!

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I can relate. This is what I did. I did a dumb thing the other night. I have a spout on my presto pot.......I turned it on, threw in the wax and then I proceeded to work on the wicks. Guess what ? MY SPOUT WAS OPEN ! I turned around and I had a stream of warm, wax all down the from of my cabnets and on my tile floor. On the ceramic tile, I use a spatula to scrap it off the best could, but it left a waxy film . My cabinets were harder to clean, I didn't want to scrape the paint off. So I got my heat gun out and LIGHTLY warmed the wax enough to wipe off with a papertowel. I ended up applying the heat gun on my ceramic tile to warm it. It did pretty good.

I use a very soft wax. When I tried to wipe it, it just smeared even worse.


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I've had that happen, too. First, I scraped it off as best I could. Then, I sprayed the tile with Goo Gone (or I sprayed the paper towel) and wiped the tile until there wasn't any wax left. Goo Gone leaves a slight oily film, so I got out some 409 surface cleaner and cleaned the oily film the Goo Gone had left. I hope this helps, and good luck!


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If it is hard enough, chip as much of it away as possible (putty knife, spatula, whatever is handy). Then, as others have mentioned, a heat gun comes in handy for any left over residues. Another option, if you don't have a heat gun, is covering the area with an old towel and using an iron on it. The towel will soak it up as the iron melts it.



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A blow dryer should work just fine, although it will probably take longer! :)

A blow dryer will 'blow' the wax all over the place - which is why a heat gun is so much better. Even with very soft wax, Alan's suggestion was probably the best if you don't have a heat gun. Same process to use if you spill wax on carpet. Ceramic tile is really quite easy to clean up.....After all the wax is off the tile, then use the goo gone on the grout.

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Thanx all for the great replies! I guess I was on the right track. Was planning to use a large putty knife to pull the was up, but I figured that wouldn't be enough for the leftover residue, so I couldn't think of what to do next. I'll try the heat gun, and if that doesn't work I'll make a trip to the store for some "Goo Gone".

Oh the joys of candle making in the kitchen!

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Not sure if you had noticed or not but I use my liquid dye remover and it REALLY does take the wax off! I had accidentally spilled some wax on the tiles and I grabbed the papertowel that had the remover on it and it just cleaned it off. Although it was a bit greasy feel like but I just took a dry papertowel and wiped it off after the remover... worked like a charm for me...I haven't seen any long term effect from using that!

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