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How to dispose of fo's?


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I've gone through my fo's & have a few oldies & no longer goodies that I need to get rid of. What is the proper way to do this? I'm not a fanatical treehugger, but I don't want to just toss them in the trash & I can't imagine it's too great to pour down the sink. I thought about mixing them into my firestarter's, but some of this stuff really stinks. I just want it gone ... properly. Help.


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I am also wanting to know.I have some older scents but about 10 bottles have almost nothing but a few drops left.Thought about just tossing with the bottle and also thought about the mixing with water (dilute) and down the drain.Although we have a septic tank.Best not.


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want to know here, too. I know someone once recommended donating it to a school, or other places but I really don't know anyone, anyplace, any school that would want them. I know down the drain is a no-no. Why can't they just go in the trash & be taken away by the garbage truck? Is that very bad?

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Same here w/ toxic stuff not going out w/ the trash. We get hazardous waste days, but only like twice a year. It's such a pain trying to do things properly, but I do really worry about 1/2 the trash sitting in the dump & how it effects our environment. I've actually heard putting things down the toilet can be worse than down the drain. Kinda amazed no one has an answer.


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Oh for pete's sake!! (;))

I don't think they're any worse than most of the household cleaners we use everyday and rinse down our sinks. I mean think about it people....we put them in our freakin soaps and lotions and sprays (assuming they are skin safe oils, lol)!!

If you really don't want to dump them, post a list on the classy's and offer them free to the first person who wants to pay postage for them. Problem solved.

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I keep a big container of "throw away" wax .... you know, extra bits and peices from when I do my day to day work... and when I have an FO I need to dispose of, I just mix it with some wax, let it cool, and toss the hardened wax in the trash.

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How do you know when an FO is no longer "good"? Does it smell funky like butters & oils?

I usually just judge by the smell ... they tend to stink!:D Honestly, we do date all our FO's and rotate when we get supply's but there's always those that get shoved to the back of the shelf not to be discovered until we do a complete inventory (for us that's usually tax time) then wouldn't you know it that particular scent will be "out of season" and wind up sitting there until the next "fall" or "winter season" ... you get the idea. Of course, by then the best seller will be a totally different scent! We do run sales to try to keep from losing money on the FO's but there are those FO's that just don't make the grade after sitting on the shelf for a long period of time. That's why it's so important to buy good quality FO's, they may cost a little more but it will save you money in the long run.... we've been burned more times than I'd like to admit.

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We own a septic tank pumping business & that is a no no. If a company is there to pump your tank & they can smell chemicals it makes it a hazardous product & has to dispose in a plant they can take care of it. Even if you live in the city & do not have a tank but on city sewer if it kills their bugs which help with the plant they have a way to figure out where it come from & they will fine you big time. So either way you have to pay big time. Not a thing you want to find out the hard way. You should check with your local area & see what they recommend. :thumbsup:

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Yes, find out your local community rules on dumping of oils and chemicals. It's not regulated as a hazardous material by the feds.

If you're dumping you're usually dumping pretty "large" amounts - we use it in small amounts in products, very dilute and distributed across lots of individual pieces, but a pound of fragrance oil, or multiple pounds, is something quite different. Most of the MSDS of fragrance oils and essential oils (your vendor can give you a copy if you ask) tell you to keep it out of the sewers, and follow local ordinances. Each community treats its water different ways - what might be OK for some areas would be totally bad for others.

For us, I bag up the bottles and take them down to the recycle area and add it in with the paint - like candlebuddy.

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