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Vendor Question

Guest EMercier

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Guest EMercier

I have an opportunity to vendor at my BF's job. They always have people there and when he told the lady about my doing candles and B & B, she really wanted me to call. She was telling him about some of the specifics. I called and haven't gotten a response yet. This will be in the beginning of the year as I'm on vacation until next year. ANYWAY, he was saying that she stated they don't charge a specific flat rate, but want 20% of your sales. I don't think that's quiet fair. Does it seem fair to you all? I was going to talk to her about that. I mean if I sell, let's say $1,000 I give them $200? I don't think so. I know I also have an opportunity to have a kiosk, but it's too much for me. I know this mall is really looking for people to be there, but I don't have the patience to be open when the mall is. Maybe they will work with me since they are desparate, but not sure if I want to do that.

Bottom line is, is it too much to ask for 20% of sales to be a vendor at a job?

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I've had my products in a natural food store this past year and he takes 25%. I don't pay any rent, etc. and he does all the work selling and keeping track of inventory. I just refill products when needed and collect a check every 2 weeks. So I'd have to say no 20% is not too much!! :cool2:

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This raises a few questions, I would proceed with caution and have then sign an agreement with terms and policies to make sure you are protected. Selling in a store, I would suggest making sure you have insurance- first and foremost. IMO, these are things to keep in mind.

~Are they paying you up front, weekly or per sale, in cash-?

~Where do they plan on putting your products? (do you have a say?)

~Do they expect you to rotate stock for holidays, seasons- etc?

(regardless of they are selling fast or sitting on the shelf)

If they are just charging you a flat rate 20%, this isn't a bad deal.

You basically have no overhead with this route, expect for keeping them stocked with products. I would pay a few visits, see what kind of operation they are running and what type of clientele they have.

I pay my reps 20%, and give them bonus product perks at defined goals.

It is hard to find quality salespeople/retail outlets that are going to do this for much less. People are motivated by money, bottom line.

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