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ISO Serum Recipe or Suggestions


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Over the past 10 yrs I've spent thousands on anti-aging products. On looking at many of the ingredient lists, I found that squalane was at the top for the most expensive products.

I bought some this past week from the Chemistry Store and have done many hours of searching for uses of this. For the past week, I have put it on my face straight. I would like to work with it with a few additional ingredients, but so far have found nothing that is simple enough for me. I would prefer not to include a preservative. Is this possible?

Research has shown several common ingredients in "anti-aging" serums and creams. Those include FCO, cranberry seed extract, emu oil.

I only have 2 oz of the squalane. A couple of drops goes a long way on my face straight. Could someone point me in the right direction for developing a recipe using squalane. I would also like it to have the antioxidant properties.

Would the ingredients have to be heated? If so, to what temp?

Any help or suggestions are certainly appreciated. :cheesy2:

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I have read that dandelion is good for mature skin, so maybe you can infuse it with some of that, and other herbs that are known for that purpose. I have some myself, and while I don't have aging skin yet (and given my ancestry, hopefully it will stay that way) I have been using it straight as well. I love way it just sinks right in. I have the fitoderm squalane too, and I add that to each lotion batch now. Yummy!

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Thank you for the response. I'm still searching and reading for a way to put it all together, and I'll have to order a few things as well.

Sounds like you're on the right track for preventing the "aged" look by starting young. I always took care of my skin and was blessed with almost problem-free facial skin. However, by the time I got in my early 40s I would run into girls from hs that looked so very old that it made me triple my efforts. In all honesty, I think prevention is the best medicine, but I also feel that there are products that can help damaged skin somewhat.

BTW--the serum that I buy from Philosphy doesn't have the squalane, but the high density eye and lip firming cream is loaded with it.

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www.lotioncrafter.com has recipes in their formulary & I remember seeing squalene as an igredient in something on their sight. Don't have time now to check but I think it was a face product. I spend a fortune on anti-aging face stuff but I think it's a lost coause for me-my lines & wrinkles are becoming crevices!l LOL-NOT!
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Thanks, jade. I did hit on that last night while doing a little searching and bookmarked it. However, most of what I'm finding needs water and preservative. I am still hoping to use only a couple of ingredients and perhaps a small amount of eo with no preservative necessary. After many, many hours of reading, I have narrowed down what I would like. However, I'm still uncertain about mixing and amounts of each.

I don't think anything short of surgery will do much for the lines I've already developed from the "beach girl" days of my youth. But, I sure would like to slow it down or at least minimalize things! Never gave it a thought in my teens or 20s while I was cooking myself.

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When I make things like lotion bars I use Vitamin E oil as a natural preservative. It just makes the products last longer without smelly or moldy bacteria.

Over the past 10 yrs I've spent thousands on anti-aging products. On looking at many of the ingredient lists, I found that squalane was at the top for the most expensive products.

I bought some this past week from the Chemistry Store and have done many hours of searching for uses of this. For the past week, I have put it on my face straight. I would like to work with it with a few additional ingredients, but so far have found nothing that is simple enough for me. I would prefer not to include a preservative. Is this possible?

Research has shown several common ingredients in "anti-aging" serums and creams. Those include FCO, cranberry seed extract, emu oil.

I only have 2 oz of the squalane. A couple of drops goes a long way on my face straight. Could someone point me in the right direction for developing a recipe using squalane. I would also like it to have the antioxidant properties.

Would the ingredients have to be heated? If so, to what temp?

Any help or suggestions are certainly appreciated. :cheesy2:

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I have seen it said that Vit E acts as a preservative and I have seen it stated that it only preserves oils. Some things I read give me the idea that it is not ENOUGH of a preservative to use alone for that purpose. Although, I'd love to find something that I could use that was 'naturally occuring' that would in fact REALLY do that job. But I hear there is no such thing. Only that Vit E kind of helps things along and keeps certain things for a bit longer... but what is 'a bit longer'??!! Soooooooooo confusing!

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Vit E will help with keeping an oil from going rancid but can't be used in all applications. It won't prevent bacteria growth.

Ones that are paraben and formaldehyde free are Optiphen or Suttocide A. You'll have to look at what type of applications these can be applied to but those would be good ones to use if there's concern about the harmful effects that some of the other preservatives have reports about.


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