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Hey everyone - I am brand new to candle-making. So new, I haven't bought any supplies or anything. I never knew there was so much to candle-making until I found this site :grin2:. I am planning on making this a hobby, but would consider doing this as a business as well if I could make it work. We have an outbuilding that we rent out 4 times per year to some friends who sell re-done antiques. They do very well and get alot of traffic. I would be able to sell my candles during these sales, so it could work out nice.

One concern I have is for safety. With 3 young kids in the house, I am concerned that my candles will "blow-up" or something like that :undecided Is this a legitimate concern, or do I really need to "mess things up" for something like that to happen?

Also, how hard is it? I know that sounds weird, but I'm afraid of buying a starter kit and then finding it impossible to do. Are there any comparisons that you would liken it to?

I'm sure I'll have alot more questions once I get started, but if you have any advice/ideas for me I would love to hear them!

TIA - Amy

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I have 4 kids and have never had any issues with my candles blowing up. If you follow instructions then you shouldn't be concerned about your candles blowing up or anything like that. If you do your research and take precautions then you'll be just fine...It really isn't as hard as alot of people say IMO. It can be frustrating at times especially when you first start and nothing is working like you want but in time and with practice it gets easier. It did for me anyway. I think a starter kit is the best way to go.


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Thanks guys - it's a little overwhelming. I never knew there was differences in wicks, etc. I was beginning to think that I may not want to pursue it, but it sounds like most people who try it, love it. I'm hoping it's the same for me.

BTW, I'm in Minnesota. Does anyone have any recommendations for suppliers here in the Twin Cities to save on shipping costs?

Thanks - Amy

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I think you would be fine as long as you dont leave your testers burning unattended. And of course never want to leave your wax unattended while melting. I do my candles after I put my 9 Month old to bed so no interruptions. Good luck, candles are alot of fun to make and give:)

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