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Nu Scents - Please give advice

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I use one of their soy waxes. I think all of their wax are common brands, so there's really nothing to worry about there. Some FOs are better than others. The ones that do the best for me are fresh apple, vanilla coconut, white ginger, banana nut bread, mocha cream, creme brulee. The cinnamon's a sweet one, I have to use a little more than average in my soy wax, though. But when you don't pay shipping, it's not so bad. The cucumber's nice, plumeria smells realistic but light, vanilla is kind of buttery. They have some kits too. Does that help you a little? They're very nice, though they don't know how their oils work in soy. I also suggest you not order with Paypal, it doesn't always go through. Feel free to PM or e-mail me if I can help.

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I need to pick up the supplies by Saturday, That is the only day I will have to make candles. I want them to sit for at least a week.

I'm just trying to find out if NU Scents have good FO's. I hear alot about Peak and Bittercreek but they are to far for me to drive to on Saturday.

If you need a previously untested fo by Saturday, how do you expect to get it in and tested by then? Or are you making a product that tends to not burn down houses? Tarts, maybe? Perhaps you could be more specific.
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Unless you intend to pull a week's worth of 24 hour shifts, it will take you a lot longer than letting them sit for a week to test them. You do know about testing, don't you? That every new scent must be poured, cured, then burned top to bottom, sometimes several times to make sure you're using the right wick and amount of fo, before you can even think about labeling and selling/giving away?

When planning on adding new scents, you should think in terms of months, not days.

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Sliver, take a deep breath. He wants to make a candle. He wants to let it cure a week before burning it. Is looking for good suppliers. Hasn't said anything about selling. No need to scare him off yet, nearly every other thread on here is about testing anyway, this was about a supplier.

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Yes, thank you Accents. I'm not asking about selling. I'm have another business right now and I'm not looking for another one.. Oh I'm a female by the way, I get that all the time, no biggie.

Anyway I got myself into a jam, I promised I would make candles and have been practicing for two weeks, these are only gifts and I'm not in it to sell. If they don't come out right thats fine but I wanted to take a stab at it.

I know making candles require a lot of testing, I'll be sure to do that before I ever think of selling candles. Anyway thanks Accent and everyone for advice.

I just wanted to know if Nusents had good FO's. I plan to by the CB135 (Soy) I've heard good things about it.

Also I might be making all of these candles Wickless so I'm not so concerned about wicks and testing, mostly smell.

I also know that all FO's may not work with with Soy, I'll just take my chances.

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They are closer but you have to buy in bulk. I'm not ready to be a candle seller just yet. Plus they are closed on Saturday. I can pickup an order at Nuscents on Saturday. I'm glad you mentioned it, so if I ever decide to sell candles and need to get some good practice I can buy from degroate.

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