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Made my Palm Oil "no stir" (I hope)


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Sick and tired of dealing with palm oil - I have to melt down the whole container and stir well before measuring out what I need. Yea, I've portioned it out into smaller containers but still...

So this time I melted down a bunch and poured it into a small bucket. And stirred. And stirred and stirred and stirred. Popping it in and out of the fridge. Stirred till it went solid, really. Took me all day, but I'm hoping against hope that now I can just chip off a chunk to use - that it's homogeneous throughout.

Think it'll work?

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I never stir :) I live dangerously. But your technique sounds right.

I guess I live dangerously also. LOL I've read it a million times, but never think of doing it when I'm actually using it. Oops

I think if you've done all that and you're keeping it in the frig so it stays solid, there should be no separation.

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Hey folks,

Whats this talk about palm oil needing to be stirred before soaping? I never have maybe thats why some of my batches have been problematic. What is the outcome of not stirring :o . In the summer, my tub almost completely melted and now whats left is back to a grainy texture, is it still useable (is that a word :embarasse )

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Palm oil (cept Columbus Foods "no stir" and homogonized) is supposed to be melted completely and stirred well before using. This is because the steric (did I spell that right?) can settle out and thus be unevenly distributed wreaking havoc in soaps - !

Grainy is fine, it's just not quite completely melted. Give it a really good stir before taking out what you need and you should be good to go.

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I add all my hrad oils together (palm inlcuded) and melt together. Once melted, I give it a quick go round with the SB and then add my soft oils. I mix them all together with the SB before mixing the lye in. I've never had a problem doing it this way.

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