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As for the burning time of the candles.. I'm not sure it's a good thing. People burn candles in several and differnt ways... sometimes they burn candles in a worng way.

If my pillar lats 50 hours (burned properly) but someone lit it with a long wick and burns lie a torch it will last less. So the customer would think I'm telling lies, and never come back. Or worst, ask for a refund.

Hope this makes sense.

Thanks for suggestion anyway!

I know what you mean. I've had people burn votives on a plate instead of in a proper container and of course it only lasted about 1 hour. Well if you do want to add the burn time later on, you could always say "50 hours if burned properly" and then follow with instructions on how to burn properly. Just an idea, who knows if anyone would bother to read?!

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Ok, I opened your site at work again so I could see where the pop-ups might be coming from. These are the really sneaky kind of pop-up/behinds. They are the kind that just randomly pop-up (I had to close your site because they kept coming and I couldn't click the "X" fast enough and I don't want to get in trouble at work). They also don't have the "Address" bar indicating the location of the website (you know, you couldn't see the http://blahblah.whatever,com/ it was disabled).

Anyway, I really hate these kinds of pop-ups but I did get the titles of two of the pop-ups before I had to close it. This probably won't help in any way, but one was for "Professional Web Search Engine" and the other was for "Mulo TV.com". The Mulo TV one had somewhat of a "racy" picture on it, but what we in the US consider a bit much, might be considered fine in Europe so it's hard to say. Neither site was candle related that's for sure!!

All I know is I absolutely hate these tricky kinds of pop-ups/behinds because if a computer isn't well protected, these can contain virus' and harm and individuals computer (it's happened to us before and it was hell fixing it). I'm not saying that the ones that pop with your site do, but I would be concerned. Sometimes, these pop-up/behind creators will disable the "X" so you can't close them and they will automatically start downloading spyware and other junk to your computer. So those without protected computers could be at risk.

I hope you get this figured out!!


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girls, those pop ups are independent from my site.

I'l check again with the hosting company, sure I don't want pop ups on my site but many sites have them.

In addiction I can tell Kelly that those ads are not Italian. I don't know Mulo TV. What is???

sorry for all the pop ups!!

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girls, those pop ups are independent from my site.

I'l check again with the hosting company, sure I don't want pop ups on my site but many sites have them.

In addiction I can tell Kelly that those ads are not Italian. I don't know Mulo TV. What is???

sorry for all the pop ups!!

Lol, I have no idea what it is. I have never heard of MULO TV either. I didn't want to keep the page open too long incase it was installing spyware, better safe than sorry. Hopefully your hosting company can figure out where they are coming from or something though. I'm positive it isn't my computer doing it, since I'm at work and we are pretty well protected. Business' have to be.

Even if they are independant from your site you still need to figure out why it's happening (if possible).

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