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chunk candle probs

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i posted another message aobut this somewhere else but sorry if it was a bitty garbled lol.

i tried to make a candle using red and orange chunks and used a light yellow for the overpur wax. the only thing is i cant see many of the chunks as a lot of the wax has gone down between the mould and the chunks , obscuring most of them. how can i get round this problem? just cant see what i should be doing to fix it! thanks

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Someties I "arrange" some of the chunks so the flat sides are against the molds. Usually I just carma them in there so tight that the overpour can't get between them and the mold. It really depends on exactly what results you're looking for. A more translucent overpour (even uncolored) would help them show a little more, even the ones that aren't exposed. Personally I kinda like chunkies that are opaque too ;)

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thanks for the advice, thinl ill have to watch the wax temp but ill try the squishing against the sides idea as well! ive only got one mould just no, so each candle is taking a long time to create! anything else i could try and use as a mould til i can get some more? the site in the uk that ive found takes orders by phone fax or email, dont think mail is that secure and dont think people in london would understand me accent easily.......lol hmm:drool:

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I pack my molds tightly with the chunks, pushing them up against the sides. I make small square chunks, and arrange them against the sides all the way up the mold so you can see them. Then I use a relatively translucent wax as an overpour, (1274, 1343, 40405H) so you can really see the chunks through the wax.

I sometimes use an opaque wax (preblended pillar blends) and think they look cool too, but my favorites are definitely the ones with a translucent overpour.


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I also try to squish as many chunks in the mould as possible, arranging some of them up against the side. I've also found that if I add stearine to the wax I'm using for the chunks it makes them more opaque and I don't add stearine to the overpour, keeping it more translucent. HTH. Good luck. The stearine definitely made the biggest difference for me.

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You can also try making your chunks a little darker, add little bit more dye/etc so they really show off. I also really cram alot of chunks in mine. You can also try heating your mold and then pressing them into mold. They may adhere to the mold better and the overpour wont get imbetween. :smiley2:

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It's been years since I made pillar chunks. Everyone is giving you good advise about really cramming those chunks into the mold. One thing you might have fun with is having the bottom of the mold as the top so the chunks really show. Just remember to keep the chunks away from the wick so that is doesn't drown.

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