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Mr. DoRight molds... help!


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I don't have one of these but I have a Kelsie. These look like they are made from the same material that the Kelsie molds are made from. If so, I can tell you that removing soap from the mold should get easier with time. How long ago did you make this batch? Have you tried popping it in the fridge for a bit? With my Kelsie, I just slide slide the soap off the mold. I hope you can get it removed quickly.

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I quit using my baltic birch for the same reason AND ended up breaking 2 of the dividers trying to get them out. But anyway.....if this is a slab mold with no dividers (or a loaf mold) go buy some funky foam at Hobby Lobby (or whever and cut a piece for the bottom of the mold and 4 pieces for the sides. Line your mold with this and soap comes right out and the liners peel right off the soap! After you peel the liners off you can then put the soap back in the mold to cut it if you cut in the mold. It is amazing! Then you just swish the liners in warm soapy water to wash them and put them back in the mold for next time!

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Ummm Malinda ... no clue how to help you. I think MA and grumpy were the two to buy these molds that I remember.

Kymber? Seriously? The soap doesn't soak into the foam? Man that would be a lot more fun to play with (thinking) than the flexible cutting mats I have chopped into all kinds of sizes and have since forgotten what molds they fit into.

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I FINALLY got it loose. It took a knife, time in the freezer & some fishing line to get there. Hopefully these will season like my Kelsei 'cause that was WAY too much work.

Luckily it was soap for me, so the banged up corners & failed swirls won't matter. It was Ibiza Hippie from WSP and it smells sooo good.

I may try the foam too. Thanks for all offered advice y'all!

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Ummm Malinda ... no clue how to help you. I think MA and grumpy were the two to buy these molds that I remember.

Kymber? Seriously? The soap doesn't soak into the foam? Man that would be a lot more fun to play with (thinking) than the flexible cutting mats I have chopped into all kinds of sizes and have since forgotten what molds they fit into.

Yep seriously! And I have never had soap soak into the foam...works like a charm. AND it's cheap....89 cents I think for a 12" x 18" sheet of it.

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If you put these molds into the dishwasher, I found you will have this problem. I just soak mine in the sink in hot water now and rinse them off and they don't stick. The Man put mine into the dishwasher and I found that rubbing them down with Mineral Oil worked wonders until they were seasoned again from use.


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Yep, I'm hoping they will work better after a few more batches. I got the small ones primarily to test new FOs and play with stuff for little ol' moi. Maybe I'll add another Kelsei to my Xmas list though, you know, just in case :D

Max, the man that makes the Kelsie molds still has not started making molds again since his accident some months back. He is in the process of physical therapy and is slowly working his way back into his shop and plans on resuming making his wonderful molds just as soon as he is physically capable of doing so. But keep that Kelsie on your list. It doesn't have to be for Christmas and you deserve to splurge on yourself at any time of the year. :D

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